Chaper 2

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Kelly slams her locker shut, just as Liai runs up.
"He was looking at you!!"
She gives her a confused look, then gazes over to Chet. Chet, looks at her and smiles and then turns away.
"OMG, Liai! He's so perfect, his blue eyes, his blond hair, his sexy body..."
Liai's tight black curls bounce, and her white teeth go into a grin.
"I know, I know! I'm so happy for you!"
The bell rings.
"Okay, bye girl, tyic!" (Text you in class) The girls go their different ways. Chet's eyes follow Liai as she walks away, then flash onto Kelly again. Liai always has that light glow on her dark skin, she's like a goddess! Like GOALS! Kelly sits into her chair right behind a boy with dark hair and a grey shirt, he isn't that bad looking, nice body, good jawline, amazing eyes, but I don't even know his name, nobody does.
Issac stares at the short girl with blond hair and green eyes. Her name is Kelly of course, and everyone knows her, so he literally has no chance with her, as her BFF Liai would say. He looks to where she gazes at and then a flash of heat rises from his face.
The bell rings.
Liai walks by him, strutting and smirking.
"No chance, guy."
He meets eyes with Chet, he can see the fear in his eyes, as Chet quickly turns away. He walks by the pretty boy and purposely runs into his shoulder as he rushed to class. The angel in disguise sits behind him, as usual. He can feel the lightness shine on his neck. Maybe she'll talk to me today? He feels a tap on his shoulder.
He turns around quickly.
"Um hey?"
"Do you got a pencil, I need one." She smiles with her amazing teeth.
"Yeah, yeah of course." He says pushing though his bag. Paper, pens, markers, homework, books.
"Actually never mind, Ferris gave me one." Issac's heart sinks.
He hears little taps behind him, Kelly is on her cellphone. What could she be texting about?
"OMG, the creepy guy who always looks at me, was totally freaking out over a pencil!"
A grey bubble appears, "LOL, he has no chance."
Kelly chuckles quietly.
"What are you texting about?" A voice booms.
"Um, nothing, just checking the time."
"Class just started, Mrs. Fedal, mind handing me that cellphone?"
Kelly gulps as she sticks out her arm.
Mr.Siel clears his throat.
"OMG, the creepy guy who always looks at me, was totally freaking out over a pencil."
Kelly and the other classmates stifle laughs. Couple of the student laugh.
Issac sinks lower into his seat.

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