Chapter 2

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Four days to the party

10:00 a.m

Ali is so clumsy! I just had to stop practicing my moves with Murphy to help him out with the decorations for his Tomb of Doom. I’m not complaining though… especially ‘cause the two witches are doing some heavy work too.

10:30 a.m.

Oh no, oh no, oh no! Ali just kissed me! What do I do? The only thing I could think of was to run away! Well, to be true, I don’t believe there was much thinking involved..

Why did he kiss me? This is going to make things so awkward! Agh!

Three days to the party

2:00 p.m

Siobhan finally showed up for the meeting with the Krew guy! But, believe it or not, she’s not staying, she has to go!

Do I have to take care of everything myself? Not to mention I could use a friend right know after the incident with Ali. Yeah… that’s what I’m calling it now, the “incident”.

Before she left, Siobhan asked me to borrow 50 euro! Why would she need 50 euro?

Of course I gave her the money but I hope she’s not in any kind of trouble. As she was leaving this guy with a hat shows up and asks Siobhan if she’s the “charity girl” ‘cause he didn’t know she’d be “quite so good looking”.

Ha! And that’s not even the awkward part! When he realizes I’m the “charity girl” he says I’m “ok looking as well”. Excuse me?? Like he is in any position to pass judgment! He just looks like a kid who thinks he’s a grown up with a made-up business card and a name like Rosko! He’s so full of it but I really need them to dance at the party, so I need to be nice. Behave Aisling!

2:35 p.m.

I got confused along the way but I’m pretty sure he told me it’s a done deal and I have to meet the guys at this place called “Centro 7”.

2:55 p.m

Murphy is acting all weird. First he sat at the witches table which didn’t look weird at the time because I was busy talking to Rosco, but know that I think about it, something wasn’t right…

I wanted to give him the news but he kept ignoring me. When I asked him if I could talk to him he said it was a free country. I could see the evil smile on Eavanne’s face and it was making me really uncomfortable.

I invited him to go to the meeting with me but he just shrugged! Shrugging? He’s shrugging at me now? Oh, and he told me to invite Ali.

I can’t understand what’s wrong. Maybe he saw Ali kissing me! That’s impossible, no one was there. And why would he be mad at me?? I didn’t have anything to do with it!


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