The Orb of Truth

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"What do you know of the Orb of Truth," Artifax asked Lord Thray as they rested beside the moonwell. Oriander, Throk, and the seven accompanying rangers ate and prepared for their mystical travel.

"I know that the Mad Queen has used its power to fuel her conquest of this world." Lord Thray's tone was as if the mere mention of the Queen's name tore open wounds of many years. "For years the queen has sought to conquer the realm of man. She sought out my fair city because it was a gateway to this world. Then, about 25 years ago, her attacks ceased."

Artifax thought about the timeframe Lord Thray spoke of. "I believe she found a way into this world, through the Oman Moonwell. She waged war on the Sword Coast some 20 years ago and lost a great naval battle at Baldur's Gate."

"Do you seek out the power of this orb," Thray asked of the gnome.

"No," Artifax replied. "The head of my order, Lord Kelpar, has asked me to retreive it for him."

"The orb is an artifact of unparalelleled power in this world," Thray said, his tone turning serious. "It has the power to dispell magic and to see through the effects of magic. The one wielding the orb can see through lies, and some say can see the past and future clearly. The orb makes Queen Connomae a very dangerous opponent."

His words sat on the hearts of the men and women in the keep. When they felt refreshed it was nearly daylight. The castle would remain in the material world for only a few more minutes. Artifax stood with Oriander and Throk. The rangers awaited Artifax near the moonwell.

"Throk, you have kept your word and delivered me to the great rangers of the Fey. May your tribe welcome you back with great celebration." Artifax looked at the she elf. "Oriander, you have kept us safe on our journey. May you find justice in your homeland." Artifax rested a hand on each of them. "I will be forever indebted to both of you for your help. Blessings to both of you."

"Good luck little dragon," Throk said as he knelt down and embraced him.

"May good fortune find you in the moonwell," Oriander said.

Throk stepped back into the Howling Forest by the waterfall as the sun rose over the Stormhorns. Shinaelestra disappeared from his sight as he marched into the sun. He knew that Oriander was now home in the Feywild and that Artifax was bathing in the magic of the moonwell. 

Wayward Tail: The Mortal Realms Trilogy, Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora