Chapter Five

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The next morning, Percy woke up to find that Annabeth wasn't laying beside him. Percy sat up slowly and looked around the room. At one end was a door, which he figured either lead to a bathroom or a closet. Next to it was a floor to ceiling bookcase, filled all the way with books. Some were moved, telling Percy that Annabeth had already gotten to it. In front of the bed was a large plasma T.V., on it a sticky note.

Percy crawled across the bed and plucked it off the screen.

Hey Percy! If you're reading this, I'm at breakfast. But you're probably still asleep, so no need to tell you how to get to the dining hall.

Love, Annabeth

Percy crumpled up the sticky note and threw it to the side. He stood up and walked over to the door. Opening it, he saw a walk-in closet full of clothes for him and Annabeth. He quickly changed into a pair of dark jeans and a light blue tee shirt. After checking out a door hidden by all the clothes- the bathroom- he slipped on his blue and silver adias high-tops and exited the closet.

He wandered the halls a little until he stumbled across huge doors that led to the dining hall. Inside, the gods sat at a table in the upper right corner while the demigods sat at a round table towards the bottom left corner of the room.

Percy went and slipped into the bench next to Annabeth. Everyone suddenly got quiet and looked at him. As much as Percy wanted to shrink in his seat, he just looked at them funnily.

"What?" he asked, and they looked away. A plate of blue waffels had appeared in front of Percy, and everyone started talking again as he took a bite.

Annabeth was worried about Percy. This plan the ods had come up with was only going to make the situation worse. They were only torturing Percy and giving Jason more info to tease Percy with. Eventually, Percy would go into self-destruct mode. Then what could they do to help him?

Annabeth looked over at Jason, who was staring miserably at Piper. After Percy's small meltdown on the Argo II, Piper had dumped him for being such a jerk. Annabeth secretly felt a little sorry for Jason. I mean, he had lost every thing. his leadership, his girlfriend, his dignity. But she still hated him for lashing the blame all on Percy. That was just mean. And now, because of Jason's mistake, the god's were forcing them to witness Percy's dark past.

Percy was about to finish his waffle when the doors were thrown open. In stepped Thalia, nico, and Grover. Percy's three favorite people! Not..... besides Grover, at least.

Thalia started walking around the room and hugging people while Grover gave Percy a man-hug. Poor Nico, he stood around all lonely and awkwardly. Well, until Hazel went up and hugged him that is.

"What's going on my peeps!" Thalia screamed as she hugged Percy, right in his ear.

"OWW!" he yelled back. Thalia smiled sheepishly at him.

"Sorry....." she mummbled.

"S' okay...." he said.

"What are you guys doing- AHH!" Annabeth said before screaming. Percy's head had dropped and fell into her lap. "PERCY!"

"Not this again..." Piper muttered/whined as a black screen appeared in front of them.

"What's going on?" Thalia nervously asked, but she got no answer.

An image appeared on the screen, and it was Percy. But he wasn't alone. It showed him frozen mid-laughter with anouther guy and two girls.

Everyone looked at Percy, who looked up at Apollo, who smiled at them.

"Did I forget to mention every bad memory is followed by a good one?"


So, this was a quick update. I worked on this for a whole two or three days and got it up as soon as I finished my homework. I hope ya'll know how much you mean to me, cuz normally I wouldn't rush to get a new chapter up. For this one I did. So much work!LOL!

#The Face of True Awesomeness

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