Chapter 10 :: Wanna Hang Out?

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Jacks POV
We left, going separate directions. As I pulled out my phone, I saw a contact that wasn't there before, and a line of texts from them. He clicked the contact and started reading the texts, confused.

(5:45 AM.) Mark (Your co-worker):
Hey dude, I stole your phone while you were knocked out, and so I now have your number, and you have mine. Also, wanna celebrate that we survived? I'll buy. I just thought we should get to know each other since we are literally working in a life or death environment. So how about coffee? Morgan's Coffee Shop, 9:30 PM. Does that work? : )

I smiled a bit, then started to text a reply.

(6:30 AM.) Jack:
Sure, I'll be there. See you at nine thirty.

I quickly got a reply.

(6:31 AM.) Mark (your co-worker):
Cool! I'll see you there!

I smiled at my co-workers enthusiasm. I set my alarm to 9:00 and lay down, falling asleep.


I woke up to the obnoxiously loud alarm clock next to my bed. I sat up, yawned, then remembered the meet up with Mark. I got ready, then grabbed a duffel bag that contained all of my needed things for work, and my keys. I started my car, and began the fifteen minute drive to Morgan's Coffee Shop. When I got there, I was a few minutes early, but I saw Mark was there too. "Hey, Mark!" I shouted. Mark turned towards me, and waved. "I was honestly worried you wouldn't show up." I made a pffft sound, then smiled. "Jesus, Mark, I'm not that mean! Do you seriously think that I would abandon the guy who saved my freakin life?" He laughed a bit. We ordered coffee, and had more chats. I learned that he likes video games, kinda like me, and used to love Youtube Star, back when he was a teenager. Nowadays he's thrown those memories away due to the fact that they're actually murder crazed machines meant to kill people. They hung out until it was time to go to their night shift. They got there, and went in. They started the dangerous shift once again. It was a normal night. Nothing too big happened, and nobody died. They both survived yet another night, and afterwards, Tiff was there again, but after the last night, no words were shared, at least for the first few minutes. "Who died?" Mark said quietly. Tiffs eyes widened, and she sighed. "My fiancé, Ma- Red, his name was Red." She breathed in a shaky breath, and once again ran into the building. Mark and I looked each other in the eyes, and no words needed to be said. We both drove our opposite directions.

I have two more chapters planned, and if I get enough support I'll make a sequel that will reveal much much much more of the story. I am so happy and thankful for over three hundred reads and sixteen votes! Thank you so much guys. <3

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