Chapter 17

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As soon as the meeting was over, Francesco ran to Raven's fortress, fearful of what may have happened to disrupt the plan. He got through all of the security and came into the throne room. He was only greeted by scowls of hate from Raven and Bloodhawk. Raven stood up and glared at him and said, "You have a lot of nerve to show up here after what you said to me!"

"I said I was sorry! I really—actually thought you were an Indian because they have been calling me all day! I..."

"This is not about Indians! I'm surprised you want to come to meet with me in my dump, and I haven't choked on a chicken bone yet!" he snapped.

Bloodhawk stood up and shouted, shaking his huge fists. "You say I smoke marijuana, and I don't take drugs! You even told me to suck on a rotten egg, in which I hatched out of, after kissing a dead dog!"

Francesco looked at them horrified. "What?! I never said anything like that! What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what we're talking about! Don't play dumb with me because I'm not a retard, pinhead, or a birdbrain! Do you actually think I need to lose a million pounds, know-it-all?" Raven shouted, boiling.

"You even say that kidnapping Neiko is a stupid, featherbrained idea! You said this in your reply to the letter dad wrote you even after he complimented you!" Bloodhawk stormed.

"What letter? I didn't get a letter from you!" Francesco stammered.

Raven stood up. "Liar! You called me and told me to send a messenger to pick this letter up in your mailbox at exactly six thirty! Take back your letter and eat it, and you better leave the room for my fist because I'll ram it into your stomach and break your spine, you little pipsqueak!" Raven wadded it up and threw it hitting him in the head.

Francesco picked up the letter, unwadded it, and read it. After he finished, his mouth flew open and his eyes were wide with disbelief.

"I-I didn't write this! I never called you or received a letter!"

Raven scowled. "That was your voice on the phone, you ungrateful little toad, and it was set up just perfectly by your style! Explain that, smarty breeches!"

"I was on the computer the entire day working on an Egyptian project, like I said, I never got a letter, and I would not be ungrateful toward you for any reason."

"If you didn't do it, then who did?" asked Bloodhawk.

"Dingeye! Get your butt in here now!" Raven shouted, and it echoed through the halls.

Dingeye ran in the room scared and covered with bruises where Neiko had hit him.

"You called, Majesty?" Dingeye asked.

"Did you really get that letter to Francesco and why do you have bruises?" Raven asked as he stood over him. "Don't lie to me."

"The truth is—no. An Indian attacked me, and I fled. I thought I had it, but I discovered I had lost it, so I lied to you. Forgive me," he pleaded.

"So where is the letter now, hmm?"

"I guess she got it, I'm sorry I failed; I tried to defend myself, but she was too tough. I threatened her, but she got the best of me."

"She? What did she look like?"

"Short, long black hair, green eyes—"

Bloodhawk stood up. "What Indian looks like that and can do impressions well?"

"Admiral Kidd!" Francesco, Raven, and Bloodhawk said in unison.

"You mean you were seen, and you lost the letter?" Raven asked.

"And you threatened her?" Bloodhawk snapped.

"Aye, and I'm sorry, my prince, I had no idea it was her, forgive me!" Dingeye pleaded.

"Never mind. Now all we need to do is fix the mistake," Raven mused.

Francesco scowled. "Great. Now she has proof that I'm working for you, and if she goes to the Tribes about this—I'm finished! Oh, by the way, Neiko visited a shrink the other day, and she has to stay in a stress-free environment with another session in another month or so."

"Well, finally good news! Now everything is going our way except for Neiko finding out the truth, but she is playing right into our hands. Did Xartna say anything about you at the meeting or any suspicions?" Raven asked.

"No, but he did say something about a secret mission to uncover a traitor and clear Neiko from 'my dangerous wrath,' and Neiko hasn't told anyone what she found; it seems like she's handling it herself," Francesco answered. "I don't think she'll stop there! She may search for more proof, and then she may tell everyone about it!" Francesco said in a high pitched shriek.

Raven put his hands on his hips. "Did you take steps to make sure that no one knows our secrets, especially Neiko? Answer me!"

"Yes! They're all in my computer and guarded with a secret password that no one would ever know or even think of."

"Well, relax, will ya? Now all we have to do is silence her by going on with phase two, right? Still, the time to make the move is quite difficult. What if she doesn't come outside—we can't possibly afford another slip up or wait till whenever, argh!" Raven growled with disgust.

"Well, her parents are going on a trip in two weeks on a Friday, and she didn't want to go, so she will be left all alone for an entire day!" Francesco replied gleefully.

Bloodhawk stomped his foot as an idea popped in his head. "I've got it! We'll wait till dark that day. If she's not outside, then we send a few men to flush her out while father and I wait in hiding. We'll fly in, swoop, and she will be ours!"

Raven smiled. "Very good thinking. There are no kinks in the plan and there is no one to stop us this time! She will not think that letter prank was so funny when she is our captive!"

Francesco sneered. "She'll think twice before she messes withCrackedskulls, and soon she will be one herself after she becomes our prisonerof war!" They all celebrated and laughed as the rest of the plan was laid out! "

Neiko's Five Land Adventure (Neiko Adventure Saga Book #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang