Chapter 64

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That night the six met at Falcon Base and prepared for the rescue. Phoenix showed them the drawing of Ramses. "This is our man, and he is a scary one too," Xartna said.

"Here are the others," she said.

"Hmm, they all look like Pharaohs, but this metal guy really does."

"Monchiska, will you take care of the tracker?" asked Xartna.

"Will do," he said then turned it on. "Guys, I got a bead. She's in Loganville, down on Shiloh Road, and I think it's that old house. She's basically close by."

Everyone sighed with relief. "We must take a truck, just in case of emergency escape because this guy is extremely dangerous. He may try to kill us because we are foiling his plans. Let's go!"

The six rode to the spot, and the signal got stronger. They saw the house, and Menes was standing outside with his brothers, but they continued to drive by. "Hey, there's the other three, but where's Chrome Puss?" asked Pike.

"Probably in there with Neiko keeping an eye on her. Let's drive down and park on the side of the road. We will come back up through the woods," said Nighthawk as he pulled over. They walked through the woods and they could see the house clearly. Menes and his brothers were complaining about Ramses, and they were having a heated discussion about their misfortune of having to stand outside and guard while he had dinner with Neiko. The six of them got out their sticks, tomahawks, and knockout grenades.

"Three of them, six of us. I think we can take these clowns. We will knock them out, tie them up, and drag them to the woods. We must be careful not to alert the leader; we must overtake him with caution because he has her with him. He could either try to run with her or someone could get hurt," said Sigma.

The six of them stalked the three bickering Pharaohs, and they struck like lightning and accomplished their task by deploying knockout bombs. They dragged them to the woods and tied them to a tree. They peeked in the window and saw her sitting at the table tied up talking to him--apparently having just finished eating. They could see Neiko's scorn for her keeper.

"Okay, his back is to us. So do you have any ideas on how to get past this guy? I mean, he's huge, and it doesn't help he's in armor. All of us can't even take down this guy," fussed Nighthawk.

Monchiska had an idea. "I've got it! The five of you will get him to chase you into the woods while I stay behind and wait for him to leave; then I'll rescue Neiko."

"Good idea. How do we get him to come after us?" asked Sigma.

"You have to make him mad, and it probably ain't that hard. Insults would do it."

"Leave that to me," said Pike, pointing to himself. "Neiko doesn't call me the insult king for nothing. But how do we get him to come out?"

"Pike, do the honors," said Xartna.

Pike walked up to the door and banged on it. "Open up, King Tut! Get up and fight or is your butt so heavy you can't stand up?"

The door swung open, and Ramses was fuming. "Menes, I am really—who are you?" he asked curtly.

"Nobody. I'm not that Menes guy. Who are you supposed to be, Ramesses XIII, the Unlucky? You know why pharaohs are endangered? It's because they have such big egos and small brains. You know, I have seen some dumb pharaohs in my life, but you take the taco, pal. If you had brain one in that overstuffed head of yours, you would go back to whence you came, and that's the local sewer."

Ramses' eyes blazed and flashed as his wrath grew hot. "You will die for this, savage!"

"Your mama!" Pike retorted and flicked him off.

"Ooh, come and get us you moldy, Egyptian mummy bandage!" Nighthawk added, waving his arms.

"Yeah, your mother is the fungus that grows in a mummy's navel!" Xartna countered.

"At least my daddy ain't a fat, ugly tyrant!" fired Sigma.

Ramses shook with rage and went after them. They kept the insults flying, and he kept chasing them.

Monchiska came in and Neiko looked up. "I'm here," he said.

"Oh boy, am I glad to see you guys," she said as Monchiska cut off the ropes and helped her stand up. "Let's get outa here before he gets back!" she said, and they ran outside. They let out a call and let them know that it was time to leave. The five of them came with Ramses close behind with his sword drawn. He yelled in madness when he saw that Neiko was free, and the seven Indians were retreating. He followed them relentlessly. They all sprinted to the truck and piled in the cab and the back.

"Nighthawk, punch it!" yelled Monchiska from the back.

He floored it, but Ramses was gaining. He jumped and caught the tailgate with one hand, but Monchiska hit his hand with his tomahawk. Ramses let go, and he toppled and rolled into the road. As he stood up to come after them, a car slammed on brakes, but it couldn't stop; it hit him, sending him into the path of another oncoming car which ran over him, and the Indians made a speedy getaway.

"Ouch. You know that had to hurt, but he will never hurt you again, Neiko. By the way, what did that creep want with you anyway?" asked Pike.

"Oh, well, he wanted to marry me. He was a Georgian Bloodhawk, but more brash."

"Well, he won't be marrying anyone now, and I bet he wished he never met you," said Monchiska, and Neiko laughed nervously knowing he would be back.    

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