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Every stage of life has its first time

And a concept of real love is its chief rhyme

The brightest one nothing ever could outshine

Heavensent bestowed upon me to call mine

Has long since lost all the hope I kept holding

Caused by so many lies and all the hurting

Never thought it would still glow and now burning

Would you keep it aflame and keep me going

Been quite a fragile start and friable foundation

But I held fast the string that kept it all together

Evaded the tearing and its decisive destruction

Though I stayed breaking and mending over and over

So innocent, so ignorant, so immature

Exposed in truth, and nothing just seemed so sure

Never knowing that the venom was its own cure

Open eyes has seen everything so impure

The eyes that has shone with love so fervent

Now full of lies like that of a serpent

Stories of truth be twisted and bent

A blessing and curse above has been sent

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