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Did I make a mistake by caring too much?

Was I wrong to hope this love would never last?

Was it all a lie, and everything as such?

Why then, easily put this in line to cast?

I have been trying to see it in your light

But the darkness you have caused ruling this out

Been pushing away the pain with all my might

Yet all the same overwhelmed with hurt and doubt

Can you not just give what we still have just one more shot

For I do not think any longer can I keep the fight

Have barely survived everyday my life has been in dot

Been so tempted to give in to this call of peace in flight

Having to let you just leave me for good is one real hard thing

But knowing you did it for someone else is just so tormenting

No amount of wise words will justify what I am feeling

Just as this wound will never be cured with any sort of healing

I was already broken, way too long since been, when we met

And I really hoped you could put me back together piece by piece

Never thought you breaking me even more was I to lastly get

How foolish of me to think I'd finally be of one piece

Why never meant to stay, maybe in my life you are just passerby?

Just how hard is it to say, really the painful and parting word goodbye?

Will it ever go away, this hurting and sadness I need to get by?

And one last time let me say, I did, I do, I will, I LOVE YOU GOODBYE!

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