•Chapter Seven•

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Neko Atsume is such a cute game. All my cats have the weirdest names, Most are band related to be honest.
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Michael was home alone.

Vic had called Luke into to do overtime since one of the other employees called in sick, leaving Michael to entertain himself until the blonde got home. Luke had argued, telling Michael that he didn't want to leave the boy by himself after what happened a few weeks ago but Michael insisted.

The black and white haired male was now sat on the couch, a giant tub of Cookies N' Cream ice cream in his hand and Orange Is The New Black playing on TV.

A groan leaves Michael's lips when Ruby Rose came on screen. Sure Michael was completely gay and he loved Luke with all his heart but Ruby Rose was always an exception to everything.

A loud crash from down the hall made Michael freeze, the sound of heavy footsteps almost caused tears to form in Michael's eyes. The boy was scared, fuck he was terrified, but there was someone inside his house and he was all alone.

The green eyed boy reached for his phone only to remember that he had put it on charge in the bedroom and he and Luke didn't have a home phone. Who the hell even has a home phone any more?

The realisation made Michael panic even more as he quietly got up off the couch and walked towards the hallway.

It probably wasn't the smartest idea, he probably should of ran out of the house and got help but Michael wasn't thinking at the moment.

Quietly, Michael tiptoed down the hallway, his hands shaking as he stares down the pitch black hall. The green eyed male could still hear small thumps of the intruder's foot steps.

Michael walked a little further before suddenly everything went quiet. There was no footsteps being heard from the other end of the hallway which made Michael freeze immediately.

Just as Michael relaxed slightly, a hand was clapped over his mouth preventing him from screaming.

"So perfect." Michael hears the stranger whisper in a gruff voice.

Tears were streaming down the small boy's face as he struggled against his attacker, trying to elbow and kick the strong intruder.

Michael winces when a sharp object, almost like a needle, is placed against his neck before piercing his pale skin. Almost instantly Michael begins to feel faint, weakness crashing over him as his vision starts to blur.

Before Michael could realise what was happening, the green eyed male tumbled to the ground, groaning slightly before his eyes closed.

• • • •

It's been four weeks since Luke came home to find his boyfriend passed out in their hallway. Michael still had no idea how he got there or what he was doing when it happened but the boy was trying as hard as he could to forget it.

Luke told Michael that he had come home that night to a silent house. The blonde called out to his boyfriend, frowning when he got no response and decided to check the bedrooms. That's when he found Michael laying passed out on the ground.

When Michael first woke up Luke was weary, constantly asking Michael if he was okay but the green eyed boy would just kiss him sweetly and say that he was fine.

Truth was since the incident Michael had been feeling weird.

He was starting to notice things that he never noticed before such as the sweet smell of flowers he had planted when he and Luke first moved in or the fact that he could practically see in the dark and not run into every wall possible when he when to the bathroom during the night.

Michael was also more sensitive than he was before, every time Luke touched his head a warm fuzzy feeling would run down his spine or when Luke ran his fingers over his nipples the pale boy was hard as a rock in seconds.

"Your eyes are so bright, like they were bright before but now they literally shine." Luke exclaims as he stares at Michael's face.

Luke had also started to notice a change in Michael. The smaller boy was lazy and sleepy during the day but energetic and playful during the night. He was also a lot more cuddly and sexually needy but the blonde defiantly wasn't complaining.

Michael blushes at Luke's words, biting his face into the crook of the blonde's neck.

"Someone is at the door." Michael suddenly says, making Luke raise his eyebrow. "There's no one-" a loud banging cut Luke off.

Luke gives his boyfriend a strange look as he got up and when to the front door. An excited ginger and slightly annoyed brunette.

"Luke!" Alan shouted as he threw himself at the blonde. Luke chuckled and hugged the small tattooed male back. "Sorry about him." Austin sighs making Luke laugh again.

"It's all good." Luke reassures his best friend before leading both of them into the living room. "Mikey!" Alan yells again, this time pouncing on top of the younger male.

Michael winces at the loud sound but smiles anyway. "Alan! What are you doing here?"

"We um, we moved here." Alan says with a shrug. "Wait what?" Luke says, looking towards Austin.

The brunette nods. "Vic actually called me a few weeks ago, said he had a job opening."

Michael grins. "Oh well that's cool." the boy says.

Alan giggles before reaching up and scratching Michael's head, making a sound, similar to a cat's purr escape his throat. "I love your hair, it looks so cool." Alan exclaims, seeming to not have heard the strange sound.

Michael blushes at the complement. "Oh, well thanks."

Luke suddenly claps his hands together. "Well, I say we go out and get lunch. We have heaps of things to catch up on."

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