I care

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-------- DAN'S POV --------

"I'm so sorry, but I got to go. I'll talk to you later." Phil said as he jumped up. "Oh ok yea" I said back. I wonder why he had to go like that. Hopefully he'll tell me later. I finished my drink and walked home. I guess It was pretty late, but I didn't really think about it until I went inside my house.

Dad: "Where the hell were you Dan Howell"

Dan: "I went to the coffee shop with Phil after school, but I guess I let time slip away"

Dad: "I don't give a shit. You know your home after school and that's it"

Dan: "I've never had friends and now have have one and I just wanted to hangout with him. I do nothing at home so at least I'm doing something"

*voices start to raise"

Dad: "Oh really you have no friends? I'm not surprised. You ugly dumb ass emo. Why do you fuckin have your hair like that faggot. Your probably gay. Going against God like that you imbecile."

Mom: "LIAM DON'T TALK TO YOUR SON LIKE THAT" she yelled as she tried to hold my dad from slapping me.

Dad: "Don't tell me what to do you useless piece of shit" My dad yelled as he threw my mom to the table making the chairs fall and the table hitting her side. She tried to get up, but was too weak.

Dad: "You're nothing and you will never be anything. No one will ever love a mess like you."

He slapped me a lot leaving me on the floor and walking out the front door. As I looked up I could see a piece of golden brown hair in the corner of the stairs. I can't believe my little sister just saw all of this. "OH MY LORD HONEY ARE YOU OK" my mom worried as she ran to me. "Mom we have to leave him. I mean think about Lia. It's the best choice for us" I tried to convince my mom. "Danny baby you know what your father will do" My mom explained. After this incident me and my mom talked on the couch as we iced my cheek. "It's pretty late you should go to sleep" my mom said looking at the clock. I nodded and went upstairs, but I couldn't sleep I needed someone. I know I have my mom, but I needed someone else...... I needed Phil. I kept calling him and texted him, but no answer. Finally he texted back. <Phil to Dan> Hey what happened? <Dan to Phil> Can you please come over now. <Phil to Dan> Yeah of course. <Dan to Phil> And come to the backyard. I was glad he was coming I was Glad he cared. After a few minutes I saw Phil's beautiful black hair and when he looked up I saw his amazing glorious eyes. "How am I supposed to get up there" Phil giggled. "Just climb the vines it's not as hard as it looked" I giggled as well. As Phil was climbing up I saw his muscles hard at work. Wow I never saw his muscles like that. I was so distracted that I didn't notice Phil was up on the roof already. As I looked closer to him I saw bruises and scars. "PHIL WHAT HAPPENED? WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL? WHAT'S GOING ON?" I yelled. "Dan it's ok It's over you don't need to worry." Phil explained. After a few minutes of persuading I finally got it out of Phil. "Well Collin and his gang always bullies me and they were threatening to bully the both of us so we made a deal. If they got to beat me up as much as they want they'd leave us alone" Phil explained as he look out to the stars. I just wanted him.....I needed him, but I don't know if he even feels the same way. All I could think about is I need him. I want to just cuddle him and never let go. I can't believe he did that for me.

-------- PHIL'S POV --------

After I told Dan what happened I could just see his eyes. I heard once that the eyes are the windows of the soul or something. I never believed it until tonight. When I looked into Dan's eyes I could feel what he was feeling. I could see that he was thinking about me. I saw Dan's slapped cheek and asked "So what happened with you." As Dan told me his horrifying story I saw how he looked at me. I saw he needed me. I never really thought about it, but I need Dan too. I haven't been so depressed ever since me and Dan become friends. Since the day I met him. After he ended his story I just wanted to hug him. I wanted to kiss him, hug him, cuddle with him, and just be with him. For a few seconds we just stared into eachothers eyes. We sorta just sank into it. I didn't know if It was the right thing to do, but my heart couldn't take anymore of it. I closed my eyes and just leaned in I was surprised when I met with Dan's lips. I was so happy and so excited. My heart filled with joy and my stomach filled with butterflies. I was kissing the love of my life. Just like we sunk into eachothers eyes our lips just sunk in. As we separated I could see a huge smile on Dan's face I knew I did the right thing. We both giggled and just stared at eachother again. "I'm glad I met you. You make my life so easy" Dan smiled. We heard a car drive in the driveway and saw Dan's dad drunk as wobbled to the porch. My dad couldn't get into the house do he just sat on the swing. I then looked at Dan and saw how his sadness came over him. I put my hand on his chin and lifted his head up. I smiled which made Dan smile too. Dan fell toward me hugging my waist and I laughed. "What are you doing?" I giggled. "I want to cuddle with you" Dan explained. "Alright then" I concluded. I put my hand over Dan and we settled into a cuddling position. Dan's head was on my chest and my arms wrapped around him. It was a nice feeling. For the first time I felt safe and well... I think i fell in love with Dan Howell. We then spent the night just looking at the stars. After a little a shooting star appeared and I made a wish. I wished that me and Dan would be together forever. "Phil can I tell you something?" Dan asked. "Yeah of course" I answered. "Phil...... I...I... I love you" Dan said. I can't believe it he loves me? I was so happy happier than I was 10 minutes ago. I never wanted the night to end. Right after Dan said he loved me he fell asleep.

-------- DAN'S POV --------

As i was on Phil's chest I could hear his heart. The rhythm was nice to hear. Then I rethought of everything that happened tonight. First knowing that Phil got beaten up just to protect me. I mean No one would ever do that for me. Well I know Phil would. Second the kiss. It was like fireworks. It was so.... So magical. I've never felt anything so good. It was so peaceful. And now I'm cuddling with Phil. This night could not get any better. Then as I looked up I saw a shooting star. I quickly wished that me and Phil would be together forever. After all of this i knew for a fact that I loved Phil and I knew I had to tell him. "Phil can I tell you something?" I asked. "Yeah of course" Phil answered. "I.....I....I love you" I said. The strange thing is when I told Phil I loved him I swear I heard his heart skip a beat. After that i dozed off, but I was still half awake I guess Phil thought I was sleeping because he leaned towards me and whispered "I love you too and I will always love you." I think my heart skipped a beat as well. I fell asleep with a big smile wishing that this night would never end.


I'm so sorry for such a long story I just got lost in the writing lol. But I hope you enjoyed it:)

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