You Make Me Whole

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-------- PHILS POV --------

I looked around and I was so confused It was so much I couldn't handle what was right in front of me. "WHAT THE HELL PJ" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Oh hey I was just getting dinner ready for you" Pj calmly said. I still couldn't believe what I was seeing. Was this real life? Am I in a dream? "Pj WHAT THE HELL" was all I could think or say. Pj walked up to a chair close to me and slid it out patting it. "Come sit here sweetie" he ordered. "Pj I'm not gonna sit there." I told him. A gun appeared behind his back and he pointed it at me. He stared me down and I caved in sighing as I sat down in the seat. Pj pushed me chair in tight and walked over to the other side. "Pj" I said. "Yes dear" he sang. "WHy the hell my my parents tied to the chairs and are asleep" I yelled. "Oh haha funny story. They struggled so much I decided to give them this medicine thing to make them sleep" Pj explained. "WTF YOU GAVE THEM CHLOROFORM" I yelled. "Uh yea that stuff" Pj still calm said. "They should be waking up soon" he added. "Why did you cover their mouths with a rag" I asked. "Cause if they wake up they'll probably scream" Pj laughed. "YEA CAUSE YOU FUCKING TIED THEM TO A CHAIR AND STUFFED A DAMN RAG IN THEIR MOUTH" I yelled. All I could do is scream. "Phil If you don't keep calm and quiet I'm gonna do something I will regret" he warned. I decided to just do that so I won't get on his bad side. " So how was your day" Pj asked. I looked at him with such have and said fine. "Aren't you gonna ask about my day" he asked. I looked at him and rolled my eyes as I looked away. Pj then took his gun out again and yelled, "AREN'T YOU GONNA ASK ABOUT MY DAY!!!" "How was your day" I asked. "Well-" My mom's shuffling interrupted him and my parents began to wake up. They started yelling in the rug making the MMMMmmmmMmmmMMMMmmmmMM sound. I gave them a look to calm down and they stopped. I cancelled out Pj and started to think of a plan. I instantly went to Dan. I got out my phone and texted him.

Phil: Heu I need yiu to cone to mu house

Dan: what?

Phil: come to my house

Dan: Come to ur house?


"PHIL are you listening" Pj yelled. "Oh yea I'm just really tired" I stuttered. Pj got up and looked down at my lap and laughed. He snatched my phone and looked at the text message. "Oh the more the merrier" he laughed. I heard the door open and I saw Pj get up and walk fast to the door. To get the upper hand I tripped Pj and he fell making his gun slide to the couch and his body hit the floor really hard.(let the bodies hit the floor LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR. LET THE BODIES HIT THE TS TS TS TS FLOOR.....I'm sorry back to the story) I then hopped onto Pj and held his hand against the floor giving him no mercy. "Awe honey wait till the honeymoon baby" he laughed. Dan walked in and was so shook from the scene that he saw. Pj then flipped and he was on top of me and held my hand above me like when we were at the parking lot. He was so much stronger I couldn't fight it. "You know I like to be top" he laughed. "Dan there's a gun next to the couch get it. Dan and Pj raced to get the gun and Dan got it a millisecond before Pj. "Go over there" Dan ordered as he pointed the gun to PJ. I then got up and untied my parents. I gave them a huge hug and I sighed of relief. Pj then broke a vase and grabbed a piece of glass. He then ran to Dan and pushed him down and they were wrestling. The gun flew again and I tried to grab it first, but Pj was faster. I looked at Dan and I felt so defeated. Dan looked into my eyes and he looked so tough like he wouldn't let anything in his way. Dan then ran to Pj and Pj shot a bullet. It missed and Dan slammed Pj to the wall making him drop the gun. He had Pj to the wall so tightly he was almost in it. "Don't you FUCK WITH PHIL or anyone in his family.....or I will fuck you up so hard you'll wish you have never met Phil" Dan whispered to Pj. I grabbed the gun just in case and I looked around. What was my life why can't I just relax for a second. Why do I have to fight all the time.....I'm so tired of fighting. We then heard sirens and police slammed through the door with the flashlights on his and they were armed of course. "DROP THE GUN" one man yelled. I put the gun on the floor and Dan said Pj was the bad guy. The police to Pj and I ran to fill. I hugged him so tight and I was so happy he was there for me I loved him so DAMN MUCH. My parents then came and I was so happy they were ok. The police took them in for questioning and I was gonna go to the police station and give my statement. Everyone left and It was just me and Dan.

-------- DANS POV --------

"Why didn't you go with your parents" I asked. "I just needed to take and break. Take a breathe and just rest" Phil cried. Phil went up to me and hugged me so tight. I hugged him tighter making sure he knew I loved him more. "Everything is just falling apart" I whispered. "It's like.....hugging each other so the only thing that are keeping the falling pieces together" Phil whispered. I smiled and hugged him tighter. "I will always be there to pick up your pieces and put them back together....ALWAYS"


Hope you enjoyed:) dont know when I'm gonna update next.

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