Chapter Seven: Held Threw Illusion

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After we had sealed the three-tails we were stopped at a small shop. I was browsing the kimono's looking for one to wear to the festival. We couldn't exactly just show up in the Akatsuki uniforms and expect to be welcomed. I went threw several kimono's both Deidara and Tobi were nagging at me to hurray up. Finally one caught my eye. It was a black kimono with red flowers imprinted on it. The cloth for the mid-section was the same color as the flowers a deep red color. It stopped at mid-thigh and had long leaves with shoulder slits. The kimono also came with a matching pair of shoes. I smiled and pulled it off the rack, 'this is the one!' I thought happily. At midnight to night I would be turning 18. 

"Are you done yet Kokoro, hm?" Deidara asked he was in was in a chair, head hung back, legs out straight. I shook my head and look at Tobi showed him the kimono. He nodded vigorously and got up as I went to go pay for it.

"Kokoro, Kokoro? Uh, are you ignoring me or-" He sat up and looked around spotting me at the counter. 

I smiled and waved, "what’s take you so long Deidara-kun!" He shook his head and got up.

"I was waiting for you Kokoro, hm." Deidara said as he came up right as I grabbed my bag that had the kimono in it. Deidara had bought a black colored yakta with bright blue birds on it. He had Tobi buy a simple orange kimono with black trimming. We changed before we left the store because The Mist was only a mile or two up the road. As we waked on the road we kept to the side Deidara and Tobi whore hats just in case anyone there could notice them. The road was buzzing with activity and it put me in a very good mood. I felt normal again!

"Shall we drink for your eighteenth birthday, yeah?" Deidara asked as he walked along the road. I thought about it, I have drunk a couple times.

"I don't see why not!" I exclaimed as I kept walking it was a celebration after all! Tobi was skipping down the street singing some off tune song.

"So do you ever think your clan will come looking for you?" I looked up surprised I hadn't thought of that yet. My brother might know of my innocence and come looking.

"To be honest I don't really know but there is a very good chance of that." I said truthfully.

 Deidara looked thoughtful, "so that was your brother on the roof that night, yeah?" I look over him remembering the day we first met.

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