Chapter Nine: Crossing the Wrong Path.

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A/N Sorry its short the next one will be longer and way more aciton packed! N-E Ways enjoy!


I fallowed the Anbu squad for at least a mile I was pleased that my genjutsu was working perfectly they had no idea they had an extra squad member. That feeling soon faded however, as the Anbu squad I was fallowing became uneasy. I could tell that by the way the Anbu’s looked around. Soon I came to a stop as a feeling in my gut worsened. I had a bad feeling about continuing so I jumped into a tree and hid myself fallowing as far away as I could. Just as I was about to rejoin them when a hissing noise met my ears it sounded like hundreds of snakes… That is when I saw thick dark shapes come crashing around the trees far ahead of myself. It crashed into the Anbu covering them completely from sight the didn‘t even get time to fight back. Taking in a deep breath, I let it out with a curse word. I had no idea how to get to the village without those Anbu’s to lead the way. I watched as the jutsu receded and a figure appeared next to the unconscious and, or dead Anbu group. I decided I would go around this person and head in the direction of the village in hopes of finding it. I didn’t have time to get into a fight with an unknown shinobi and there I was minding my own business when….


I was face to face with a raven-haired black-eyed boy. I jumped back to avoid running right in to him. I narrowed my eyes and glared at this unknown person. He drew his sword and came at me without a word. I dodged forward dropping down and grabbing a near by branch below. I swung myself to the forest floor and summoned my Marui Ken to block the strangers sword. His Taijutsu was good but I was better. I forced him back and as I was fighting I was summoning Hisaki. As soon as it was complete Hisaki came forth jaws snapping only inches from the mans face. His eyes widened as he jumped back and used a fire jutsu against us. I jumped forward and countered fire with fire shielding us perfectly. Just as the jutsu dispelled snakes burst threw the smoke and slammed me against a tree. Hisaki was able to dodge into the sky. The man approached the snakes seemed to be coming out of his shirt…which was kind of creepy.

“Where do you, how do you summon… never mind.” I muttered as he neared getting me a raised eyebrow. He drew his sword and I gulped this guy wasn’t much of a talker. I forced my hands together and used my Transupo-no-jutsu to away from him before I found out what he was going to do with that sword.

“That was close!” I said as I appeared next to Hisaki who was circling above.

“Who is that guy?” Hisaki questioned as he continued to circle the guy who was starring at us. 

“I don’t know but we should get out of here I don’t like the feel of this guy.” I muttered as I looked down at him. That is when our eyes connected and everything seemed to go dark. 

“Genjutsu!” I snapped out of whatever he tried to pull me into and realized how close I was to loosing. 

“This guy is strong.. I have a natural resistance to genjutsu but that guy almost had me ensnared in seconds..” I informed Hisaki who agreed it would be better to flee then fight. Just was we were about to gain altitude and leave I felt an arm snake around my waste. I was jerked from Hisaki and back to the forest floor below.

“What in the hell!” I yelped as I was carried quickly away from Hisaki. I went to use my transportation jutsu but the man before me quickly grabbed my hands. He pressed a kunai to my throat.

“Use that technique again and I’ll kill you.” I nodded my head in compliance knowing full and well he would do it just by his tone. I instead release Hisaki’s summon and greeted him within my mind. The man before me sat me down on a stump and stood across from me.

“What do you want!” I asked after a very awkward silence. 

“Who are you.” He disregarded my question like I didn’t ask one. I sighed and decided to tell him my name maybe he’d leave me alone afterwards… 

“Kokoro Jinku I would say it’s a pleasure but really its not.” I said making him frown more. 

“What does your clan specialize in?” My eyes narrowed.

“Clan information is classified.” His eyes narrowed to meet mine.

“Tell me or die.” I moved my hand like a mouth mimicking him.

“Tell me or die, whatever.” I was soon pinned up against a tree his usual onyx eyes turned red. I gulped when I realized what clan he might be from. 

“You’re a Uchiha?” I said breathlessly as I stared into his eyes. My clan was famous for Genjutsu but not as famous as the Uchiha’s. We boosted about being able to hold our own against them when it came to genjutsu but they were suppose to be dead… Killed, destroyed by their own clan member. 

“Sasuke,” he released me letting my feet touch the ground once more. The only survivor I realized as I stared at him. 

“My clan specializes in genjutsu, like your clan.” I said not wanting to beat around the bush any longer now that I knew his heritage. 

“You could be useful. Your coming with me.” He stated as not even asking if I’d like to come with. 

“Um, yeah about that I work the Akatsuki and I am currently on a mission so…” I got up and tried to leave but I was cut off by him again.

“You know that is really annoying.” I said irritation lined heavily threw my voice.

“Your with the Akatsuki?” He asked making me nod.

“Do you know where my brother is?” I gave him a shrug and that is when it clicked.

“I’ve only met your brother once, briefly. I would not know of his whereabouts however.” I answered truthfully watching as small trail of disappointment lingered in his expression. It disappeared as Sasuke straightened himself.

“If your with the Akatsuki then your staying with me.” He stated as gripped my upper arm.

“Who is your partner?” He questioned dark eyes void of emotions.

“Deidara.” I answered shortly leaving Tobi out of the picture. The less information I could give and make him happy the better.

“I see,” he turned making me come with him. 

“Does he know where Itachi is?” I shrugged, “probably not.” 

“Where is your partner now? Why isn’t he with you?” The questions came in a wave and I shook my head.

“We split up sheesh Mr. Asks-a-lot!” I said in a exasperated tone. I saw him look over at me but say nothing as he lead me the opposite direction in which I wanted to go.

“Your not going to let me go are you?” I didn’t get a reply and I guess that was my answer. 

“What are you going to do now?” I asked Hisaki who had been silently listening.

“What for the best opportunity to escape.” I nodded I needed to get back to Deidara. I didn’t want him to think I just left. I haven’t seen him since he carried me back to the Akatsuki. I miss him… 

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