Episode 1: the first pokemon

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                     3rd person view
       Alex Manning is 10 years old today. In the Pokemon world, that means he can pick his first Pokemon! Alex lives in Pallet Town. The home town of professor oak's Pokemon research lab. Where new trainers can pick from 3 different Pokemon: Charmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur. Alex wasn't sure what he would pick yet though.

The alarm clock rang. Alex jumped right out of bed! He turned on the radio. It played his favorite song.
He didn't know what it was called though. He stuck on his shirt, then on his pants he leaped into his shoes!
Alex was so excited, he ran out the door without even eating breakfast.

                  In the lab with Alex
"I think I'll choose...Ch-" but he was interrupted by some kid who ran in the door. His name was Ash. Alex was in the lab with two other people. Their names were Gary, and Nate. At Least they were wearing clothes. Ash was in his pajamas. He quickly grabbed the Charmander pokeball before Ash saw. Ash had to take a Pikachu. Gary chose Squirtle, while Nate took Bulbasaur.

        Alex said goodbye to his mom and went on his merry way. He decided to start training seeing as he would have to battle sooner or later. So he looked at his new pokedex that the professor gave him and checked out what moves Charmander had. "Hmm... scratch and ember. Okay!" he said. So he started to look for more Pokemon. He saw a few spearows and ratattas and took them down. But suddenly, a trainer challenged him for a battle!

        "If you win, I'll give you my Geodude" said the kid "But if I win, I get your Charmander!" "Umm.." Alex wasn't sure, "Okayyy..."

                        The battle!
"Go Bellsprout!" He yelled, "Go Charmander!" Alex threw Charmander's pokeball.

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