When Universes Collide

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The Cipher Palace
11:17 P.m.

Most of the family was asleep, all except for the twins. Bill and Will stayed up for a very long time. Bill was drowsy, absolutely ready to go to sleep. But, because of his crybaby brother, he had to stay up. Will was crying silently, trying to fall asleep. He was scared though, afraid of his big Brother Ben. Ben had been playing a lot of pranks lately. Will wasn't usually the victim of the pranks, but this time he was. Ben turned himself into a cute little squirrel, he is a demon after all, then scared the heck outta Will by attacking Will on his blind side. Really no big deal, but Will ran and cried all the way to Belle and their parents. Which ended up grounding Ben for 3 months. 1 just for pranking someone and two for doing it to Will.
Anyway, the two young Cipher kids where basically playing a warped version of checkers, though they were 6-year olds. Will was winning by five....hundred. though they were both smart, Will was smarter by a *cough*large*cough* bit.
Bill was pretty mad at Will. One, He was winning. Two, Will is keeping him up, and has been for the past 3 hours, 36 minutes and 49 seconds. Make that 50 seconds. And as everyone knows, Bill has random anger outbursts. Bill's eyes glowed yellow. A couple f black holes came it of nowhere. Will looked up, and screamed.
"B-b-b-billllll!" He screamed. Bill shook it off. He gripped his brothers hand, and switched places. He flew into the portal. Bill did.
A sharp piece of glass shot past Will and went into the portal. You could hear a high pitched scream from the inside. Will jumped, almost flew, towards the portal. Sadly, at the last moment, the portal closed. That was the last time he saw Bill. In the morning, he told Belle and Ben. They all to told they're parents and stayed quite for the rest of the day.
Later the following day, Belle realized something.
"Hey, Ben. Why was Will and Bill staying up that late, anyway?' Belle said raising her eyebrow  in suspicion. Ben looked down, and replied, "Wellllll-I kinda scared Will and Bill tried to comfort him and they ended up playing 'Warped Checkers' and Bill got sucked into a portal and kinda hurt his eye, and got sucked in and we'll probably never see him again" Ben said chuckling nervously. Belle's face lit up and kicked him in the leg. Soon her hand lit up in flames. "Belle, w-w-what's going on? Please, I didn't do any of this on purpose, you know that! " Ben's face got scared quick and Belle started to float.
"By the power of I, Belle Cipher, command you to be banished to the end of the universe." Belle's eyes glowed white. Ben then felt a shock go through his body. He felt everything go out. All he had. He stop floating. He couldn't resist the pull. At first, Will was puzzled by the strange way Ben acted. Then he knew. A forbidden spell, called Ludious Carousi, that could permanently take away all of your powers. Ben blacked because of intense pressure. Then disappeared. Belle lowered to the ground, but her eyes still glowing.
"There," she spoke. "He won't be able to levitate and use power beams for the next few months, but all the rest was permanent." Her eyes stopped glowing. "O my Demon" she said. " I preformed a class ten spell!" She stopped, and looked around. " I preformed a forbidden class ten spell, on my own brother! "
Right after, Belle was banished from the castle herself, with her head low. Will followed her quickly, with the bags on his shoulders banged up and down. "Will, what are you doing? Go back to mom and dad, they're pretty much the only family you have left!" Belle yelled, though Will was only a few feet away from her. "I'm going with to find Bill, together, we might be able to find him." Belle looked at him and rolled her eyes. "No. Oh, and I have future vision, so I know you're going to ask me that we're going to look for Ben too. And to answer that, no." Belle was very negative when mad, and Will knew that, but he did have a trick up his sleeve. Will expertly shape shifted, then stepped in front of belle. He now had black hair dyed purple, with a bowler hat on top. The purple suit that he wore had gold liner. And his shoes were made of pure gold. "If you say no, I'll follow you, and look like this all the time?" He asks, his purple eyes sparkling. "Fine, Will, just stop being him, you know I hate him!" Belle says, looking up. "K, Belle." He says cool.
So from then on, the two ciphers traveled around the dimensions, and soon enough, they ended up in Reverse gender Falls. Belle looked around, loving the place instantly. Will, on the other hand, was a little weirded out. Soon enough, she met a women named Sally Pines mysterious.
"Hey, Will, can we stay here for the next few days, please?" Belle asked, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Will thought, then sighed. "Okay, fine Belle," he answered. Belle smiled and went to sleep in the grass. Will looked up. Belle wasn't sleeping, she was visiting others dreams. Doing what he remembered of Mind Spells 101, he transported his demon figure to wherever Belle was at the moment. She was in Sally Pines' mindscape, talking and playing chess. He knew what she was doing. Manipulating and tricking. She was telling her of alternate dimensions and other demons, such as himself, Ben, and Bill. Sally took in all of this information, fascinated by all the experience Belle had. Belle then asked if she would build something for him. Every thing rolled perfectly.
              "Hey, Belle, what do you want with Sally Pines?" He asked. "I, uh, was, you saw  me?" Belle asked. "Yes," he said. "Well, I'm staying." Belle said to him. Will gasped, but he didn't want to do anything with her from then on. "Belle, since, I guess you've made up your mind, and I know there is no way I'm going to change your mind, I will continue my search for Bill. And You can continue your life here. Goodbye. " he turned around, while Belle looked at him. "Fine! I will stay here then!" She yelled back.
               That was the last time she ever saw him. That was also the last time he ever wanted to see her. And though he didn't now, it was probably the last time he would see her. Ever.
                Will wondered through another wonder yet terrifying place. He liked it, but something always seemed to make him shudder. Then he saw them. The two toddler twins, Mabel and Tyrone Gleeful. And I think the almost all of you readers whom have clicked this humble book on the great site, know what happens next. But none of you know what will happen next......

Don don don! Bye bye!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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