Its The End Of The World

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I       n one more year

T    he world will cease to exist

S      oon our lives will end

T      here will no longer be life on earth

H     ell will break loose

E      scaping is futile

E      ither you die painfully or kill yourself

N     either is a good choice

D     ay by day your clock is ticking

O     n your last day everyone you love will be dead

F      orever lost to the darkness

T      omorrow will never come to save you from the pain

H     eaven will explode in a rain of souls

E      nding any hope you have of another world

W    orlds are crumbling down around you

O     verhead you see nothing but blackness

R     emember the life you had, even though it was so short

L      ight has drained from everywhere

D     arkness is taking over…

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