Sweet Summer

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I sigh, the sweltering Summer heat is suffocating me slowly in my Bluebell attire. I can hardly breath. I really need to find some new clothes. I could send a letter home-no. I will not. Not after....that.

I'll figure something out. This is a town, people need clothes once in a while. I'll ask around, I can even provide some of the supplies now. I straighten up and look proudly over my farm. It had really taken a turn. I now had two cows, Bell of course and her new friend Blossom. When I got Blossom I'd also bought Wooly, a sheep, and Note, another chicken. I was delighted to discover that Wooly gave me large quantities of good wool fairly often. I hadn't sold any of it yet, instead it's all bundled up in the bottom of my cart.

I had crops sprouting in every spot on the farm, tall tomatoes plants with plump green bulbs just beginning to ripen, towering stalks with the fluffy hair marking the start of corn, and strong stalks with bright yellow petals about to open to the sun. The farm was bright and green and everything I had imagined it could be. Now it was time to go even farther. One day I'd have dozen's of animals, and my crops would all be strong and beautiful.

One step at a time.

I grinned to myself and went to saddle up Whisper; it was time to take the day's produce into town. She jolted into a trot, she couldn't have been happier. I knew she loved it here. She showed it in the way how she'd prance about the grazing area, dancing around the cows. How she'd shake her head and toss her mane around the villagers, showing off her snowy white coat. She'd neigh proudly and trot with her head held high as we passed by Georgia and all the horses fenced in, even through she was so tiny compared to them.

I may have zoned out for the next thing I knew the cart wheels where bouncing a little with each bump of the cobblestone path. I laughed at Whisper's eagerness and tugged the reins a little so the cart wouldn't jump. We slowed down and pressed up the path. The red roof of Jessica's shop came into view. There was a man dressed in a deep almost burgundy colored coat, one that hung low, leaning against the fence talking to Ash. He had a matching hat with a bright orange plume that danced in the wind. His back was turned I squinted at his figure frowning.

Then I was off the bench in a flash and charging up the path, my hair flying behind me.

"Dirk!" I yelled, my voice full of hope, joy, and a tint of disbelief.

The man turned startled before his face brightened. "Lil' Lil?" He said shocked as I threw myself at him. "It's been to long!" He laughed , lifting me up and spinning me.

Giggling I clung to his arm as I tried to regain my balance but he pulled me into his chest, smothering me. "To long Lil." He murmured in my hair. I nodded into him as tears pricked my eyes, it had been forever.

Dirk had been my first and only friend for a long time. We had grown up together. He was a few years older then me and for as long as I can remember he'd always been so much taller. I'd looked up to him in more ways then one.

An awkward cough brought me out of the past and I pulled away a little bit to grin up at Ash who had a strange expression on his face.

"Oh Ash! Have you already met Dirk? He was a friend from my childhood." I said brightly.

"Just now." His voice seemed tight. I frowned a little bit.

"Dirk this is Ash, he's helped me a lot since I moved here."

Dirk smiled bright and big at Ash, "It's nice to meet you, thanks for taking care of Lil!"

I blushed a little bit, "I don't need to be taken care of Dirk!" I said, punching him lightly but completely serious. I was tired of being treated like a child, but it was pretty much the only response I ever got because of my size.

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