Chapter21: An old friend

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The next morning I woke up and got dressed. I was feeling sick and tired ..I wanted breakfast so I decided to go to mcdonalds and even stop by the store to get a few pregnancy tests... I took everyone's order and left. First I went to the store and got the test then I went to McDonalds. When I ordered and pulled up to the window this girl looked quite familiar.
Yn:um excuse me do I know you
??:umm I dont think so
Yn:what's your name if yu don't mind me asking
??:my name is Elizabeth(in media)
Yn:I remember bunked with me while I was in jail
Elizabeth: oh yeah..yn right??
Yn:yep that's me..umn what time do you get off
Elizabeth:in about 5 minutes
Yn:okae I'll wait

10 minutes later
After about 10 minutes I took elizabeth home so she could get dressed in sum else then we headed to my house to drop off the food. After dropping the food off we went to get our nails and toes done and jus catch up with each other.

Yn: so what happened with you after I got out?
Elizabeth:well they let me out early because of good behavior and when they did I went to my ex house to talk to the girl that I had beat half to death. It was so funny cause she was scared of me
Yn:what's her name?
Elizabeth: I think her name was jasmine

Why does that name sound familiar? I've heard it before..oh yeah that's the one who tried sum shid with Lucas

Elizabeth:umm yn are you okae??
Yn:Yea im good its jus I think I know who you were talking about she tried sum shid with my husband and I kicked her ass to the curb..she already had a boyfriend like damn but he ended it with her so...
Elizabeth:Yea that's good
Yn:well yu ready to go now
When we got to elizabeth house we traded numbers so that we could catch up more often. When I got home everybody was up being loud as usual...but I still love them. I walked into my kitchen and once again saw Will sucking his girlfriends face off

Yn:how many fucking times am I going to tell yu stop doing that shid in my kitchen
Yn:nigga number one..don't nobody wanna come in they kitchen and see yu sucking yo girlfriends face off while her ass is on my counter...number two you have a room for that.. And number three this is my house and my kitchen so stop
Will:ight sis dang
Yn:dang my ass
Will:love you too sis

I walked upstairs to my room and Lucas was in the shower so I jus waited on him to get out..when he finally did he got dressed and left out without even speaking to me. So I brushed it off and didn't even pay attention

Later that night
So everybody left me here at this house by my self. That's when I decided to take the pregnancy tests. I bought three just in case and peed and waited. After about 10 minutes I checked and they all came out positive. I dont know if i should tell anyone because Lucas has been acting funny and I don't like it one bit. I walked to the kitchen to get a late night snack and that's when everyone walked in. Once again Lucas walked right pass me and didn't say a word so I followed him upstairs and closed the door
Yn:Lucas what's wrong with haven't spoken to me all day
Yn:are we playing a silent game cause I'm pretty sure that I asked a question
Lucas:yn please leave me alone
Yn:no I'm your wife I need to know about things that are bothering you
Lucas:this type of thing is gonna piss yu off and I know it is
Yn:*starts crying* you mean to tell me that she is gonna. Have your child??
Yn:well nice to fucking know cause you wanna know something that I found out today?
Lucas:what is it??
Yn:im pregnant too
Lucas:your lying
Yn:lucas what I gotta lie for
*wlks to bathroom and grabs all three tests* see
Lucas:*looks at the tests*baby this is great
Yn:Yea its great alright. Not anymore anyway cause she is gonna have your first child
Lucas:how about I get a DNA test to see if the baby is really mines
Yn:but its gonna be a while till the baby comes
Lucas:she said that she is already 7 months
Yn:yu sure she wasnt pregnant at first cause that's not adding up
Lucas:that's why I'm gonna get a DNA test
Yn:okae well im going to bed cause I need to really let this jus soak in

Lucas POV
I really hope this baby ain't mine cause I really want my first child with yn. Jasmine telling me that she pregnant and her being 7 months already sum ain't adding up cause she could have told me this a while back if it really is mine

The next morning
So I woke up this morning and took a quick shower. What Lucas had told me yesterday hit me pretty hard so I got dressed and headed to Starbucks
When I got to Starbucks it wasnt much of a line so I ordered my drink and sat I was sitting down in the booth I heard a familiar voice. She was on the phone asking someone how long it would take for them to meet up. After she hung up some man walked thru the door and sat with her. As he sat down she began to talk so I listened in

??thanks for coming Kevin
Kevin:you my cousin I'm gone be there for jasmine what's up
Jasmine:well remember the guy I was telling you about
Kevin:Yea the dude name Lucas
Jasmine:Yea well I told him the baby was his but it really isn't I jus want to ruin his relationship with that bitch yn

Yn thoughts: did she jus call me a bitch!!??? She got one more time and ima beat ha ass

Kevin:why she gotta be a bitch
Jasmine:nigga because she is a bitch

Yn thoughts: Yea she done fucked up now and I recorded her conversation..lemme acknowledge my presence real quick

Yn:umm jasmine
Jasmine:oh hey girl how you been
Yn:oh I was fine until Lucas told me that you were carrying his baby
Jasmine:Yea I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to happen
Yn:Yea I kno yu didn't cause the baby ain't his
Jasmine:*getting an attitude*
And how would you know
Yn:well first off yu jus said it yourself, number two you were a hoe and I'm pretty sure yu still are..that's kinda why Elijah broke up with you..and you all of a sudden coming out of no where saying that your 7 months pregnant...its not adding up
Jasmine:I am pregnant with his baby
Yn:then why didn't you tell him sooner if yu automatically knew it was his
Jasmine:first my baby is not an "it" and cause I was scared
Yn:scared to tell him or scared that I was gonna beat yo ass when I found out
Jasmine:I wasn't scared that you was gone beat my ass cause yu can go to jail for fighting a pregnant woman
Yn:okae that's fine cause yu got two more months to go and when that baby comes and you heal properly that's when ima beat yo ass..square business
Jasmine:was that a threat
Yn:oh no sweetheart I never threaten I always promise
So I'll be going and if the baby is his jus know that your life is about to be hell

After I finished my conversation with jasmine I got my drink and left. When I pulled up to the house I saw Lucas sitting outside so this was the perfect time to tell him
Yn:Lucas we need to talk
Lucas:Yea we do
Yn:you start first
Lucas:why did yu beat up jasmine
Yn:lucas what r yu talking about
Lucas: she texted me and told me that y'all saw each other at Starbucks and you started beating on her
Yn:lucas don't yu think that as many times as you have seen me fight I wouldn't be at the house right now..I would be downtown getting ready to be put in jail and besides the bitch is pregnant
Lucas:then what did yu do when yu saw her
Yn:well I recorded her conversation with her cousin and I told her that it couldn't be yours and that I would beat her ass after the baby came and when she properly healed but I never laid a hand on her
Lucas:aight man whateva
Yn:okae I'm jus gonna let you do what yu do I'm trying to help but okae
Lucas:well shes having twins
Yn:ugh this is too much I can't handle this when the baby comes I'll come back im gonna stay with my sister
Lucas: no yn please stay
Yn: no I'm gonna go cause im stressed and with me only being a month pregnant I don't wanna stress and lose the baby

2 months later...
Lucas POV
So jasmine ended up having the twins come to find out neither of them was mine. But it didn't matter to me cause I wanted yn to have my baby.. Its been 3 months into her pregnancy and her cravings and emotions is kicking in..I mean I love this girl to death but she getting on my nerves. Right now she is yelling at me about getting her some ice cream and pickles
Yn:hurry up Lucas and bring my ice cream
Lucas:hold on I'm coming
Yn: well yu taking too fucking long
Lucas*runs upstairs and hands u the ice cream* here damn
Yn:*starts crying* yu don't love me anymore do you
Lucas:don't ever say that I will always love you..what made yu say sum like that
Yn:well because I'm fat and I'm having all these mood swings and Ik its irritating you
Lucas:Yea it is but I wouldn't change that for nothing in the world

Skips 6 months
So this is the last month and the baby should be coming very soon. I wanted to keep the gender a secret so I didn't have the doctor tell me cause we want it to be a surprise

First off where did all my readers go i noticed that the reads are going down..but this is all for this chapter I jus wanted to get a chapter out cause I told yu I would but if yu don't mind could yu read my other book called "The Stranger" its a josh swanks book..The first chapter is up so go check it out

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