Chapter 24

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1 month later

Lucas POV

Man its been a whole month without yn and I feel terrible. Everything that I said I didn't even mean to say and I feel really bad. When she said that I could no longer see nevaeh she meant it. Her sister nor her bestfriend not even her mother will tell me where she is. I've been starving myself and not even taking showers I've jus let myself go... And my house looks a mess. I mean at least I'm still making money but I don't like making money without yn. Man I've gotta find her.


So it's been a month since I last saw lucas and to be honest I really miss him. I feel bad but at the same time I don't because why would I keep letting yu take up for other that's not cute at all. But I feel bad because I took nevaeh away from her father and that's not right. Today I decided to take nevaeh to go see lucas so I went upstairs and I put on some black ripped jeans with a red polo shirt and my red toms..I wasn't trying to impress I got nevaeh dressed in a purple onesie and some black pants with her purple Jordan's after getting dressed I put her in her car seat and drove to Lucas house.

When I got there I knocked on the door a few times but there was no answer and I knew he was here cause his car was in the driveway.. So I used the spare key that was kept under the mat and opened the door. As soon as I opened the door a horrible odor came across my nose. It was so terrible that I had to take nevaeh to my moms house. After dropping her off I went back to Lucas house and as I walked in it was quiet and it smelled really bad. I walked upstairs to the previous room me and Lucas had shared and when I opened the door Lucas was laying in the bed covered in filth and it smelled even worse.
Lucas:Lucas no longer lives here
Yn:lucas seriously
Lucas: yn is that you??
Lucas:*jumps out bed and hugs you*
Yn: eww move lucas yu stink
Lucas: oh yeah I forgot about that
Yn: you need to take a shower like now
Lucas:okae*runs to take a shower
*30 minutes later*
Lucas POV
So I took a shower and I couldn't believe that yn was back
..I thought she was really done wit me ..I went to my closet and put on some black jeans with a white polo shirt and some Gucci slides. I wasn't tryna look good for nobody but yn

Lucas:okae I'm done
Yn:okae well come on my momma cooking and nevaeh is there
Lucas:your serious
Yn:yes so let's go

So we drove to yn moms house and right when we walked in the smell of food hit my nose. I was so ready to eat. As I looked down I saw my baby nevaeh and she was tryna walk

Lucas:hay daddy's baby
Lucas:aww yu said dada
Yn: yep that was her first word

Ym(your mom): hay y'all the food is done
So we all sat down to eat and I realized that I haven't had a home cooked meal since yn left
About an hour later we left and we ended up back at my house. I didn't want them to leave so I asked yn would she stay for the night and she agreed.

The next morning
8:00 a.m.
So I was woken up by pots and pans being thrashed around the kitchen and the lovely smell of food and that let me kno that Lucas was cooking how I miss it. So I went down stairs to see what was coking and I saw him holding nevaeh and talking to her while cooking eggs and bacon. I walked in and hugged him from behind

Lucas: well look who is finally up nevaeh it's mommy
Nevaeh: *clapping hands* did yu sleep
Yn:I slept pretty good I sure do miss that bed
Lucas:*mumbling*Yea and the things we did in it
Yn: what you say
Lucas: nothing
Yn:so what we gonna do today?
Lucas:well I'm taking my girls to the mall
Yn:no yu don't have to do that
Lucas: but I want to tho because I feel like I've missed out and I feel like it's my fault

Sorry guys I have been M.I.A because I have had project on top of project..because this senior year is no joke at all I will try to make sure I go back to writing but I may need a co-writer so if yu would like to take that position please let me know

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