|15| Sam

340 16 13

A/N: I really need to update things in life I'm sorry 😕


Enjoy... 😘

***TW for domestic abuse***

Jared's POV

I walked into the room I shared with Sam, and sure enough he was there sitting on his bed.

He looked up at me and gave a simple "Hey."

"Hey." I said plopping down on my bed.

He turned slowly so he was on his side facing me with his head resting on his hand.

"Ya know... If we're gonna be roommates I think we should get to know each other."

"Ok..." I said turning my head slightly to face him.

"Ok so... What should we talk about." He said with a small laugh.

"I don't even know."  I said with a sigh.

He sat up and I did the same.

"Ok so I know that you've been out here but you don't really know why I'm here, do you?"

"Not really."  I said shaking my head.

"Well I guess I should tell you my story then."

Sam's POV

An image of Dylan beating me flashed through my mind as I resurfaced the old memories.

"Well I had this boyfriend, his name was Dylan, and some pretty horrible things happened to me... because of him."

"Um, ok..." Was all Jared could say.

He looked so tiny and adorable while he had his knees curled up to his chest.

I wanted to him to get better.  It would be a shame for the world to lose an amazing human being like him.

Wait do I like him!?  No no no no no no I CAN NOT fall for him.  I can't-

"Hey Sam?  You okay?"  Jared said coming over to sit next to me.

My breathing was getting heavy and I just nodded.

"Do you need to get a-?"

I couldn't hear his voice anymore.

The whole room was spinning and I couldn't breathe.

Jared's POV

I think Sam was having a panic attack.

I went and pressed the button to call for a nurse then went back to him.

"Sam... You need to breathe ok? Breathe with me."

I slowly breathed in and out and his breathing slowly and back to normal.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead as a nurse walked in.

"Hey guys what happened."

"Sam had a little panic attack." I said.

"Oh no sweetie are you alright."

He nodded and gulped.

"Well it's good you called Jared.  I'm gonna bring back Jackie alright?"  She said placing her hand on his thigh.

He flinched then nodded.

She left and it was just me and Sam again.

I tried to console him as we waited for Jackie to come.

From what I'd heard Jackie was Sam's main therapist.

Eventually Jackie came in and I went to my own bed.

"Hey Sam, you alright?"  She said and I saw him nod.

"So do you want to talk about why you had the panic attack."

"Y- yeah but not h- here." He stuttered.

"And why don't you feel comfortable talking about it here?"

Sam stared at me and Jackie's eyes fell into me as well.

"Oh. Well Jared could you please step out for a second please?" She said.

I nodded and went into the hallway.

Sam's POV

"So Sam, now that Jared's gone, why did you have the panic attack?"

"Because of h- him."

"Could you please elaborate dear?"

"Well it's just u- um... I think I like him..." I said in shame.

"It's ok Sam. That's not wrong, but why did it make you-"

"BECAUSE I'M SCARED THAT I'M FALLING FOR HIM."  I burst out so loud I was sure Jared could hear.

Jackie had a shocked look on her face.

"Ok Sam well maybe you should try and... you know, be with Jared.  He seems like a nice guy and-"

"But I don't want it to be like last time, and I don't even know if he's gay!-"

"Well Sam I think it would be best if you got to know him better, and maybe try to be his friend?.."

"I guess..." I said sighing.

"Well I'll see you in the morning Sam. Night." Jackie said leaving the room.

Jared came back and say on his bed.

"Well where were we?" I said with a smile.


A/N: Hope ya'll enjoyed and see ya'll soon 😘

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