A Once In A Lifetime Trip

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Ash's POV.
"Ash, come downstairs someone's here to see you!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I had woken up minutes ago and started to look over some of the documents Professor Oak had left for me. I had assumed he had dropped them by earlier while I was still sleeping. They all seemed to be about new Pokemon but all of them had something about the 'Kalos' region. I don't know what that's about so I just put them back on the table.
"Come on Pikachu. Someone's downstairs." I shook Pikachu and started to get dressed. I grabbed my hat and Pikachu groggily jumped onto my shoulder. We had gotten back from the Unova region late last night so we hadn't gotten much sleep. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs was Professor Oak, My mom, and a woman with darker blonde hair and a camera around her neck.
"Ash, this is Alexa. She's the sister of Viola, a gym leader in the Kalos region." Professor Oak introduced the blonde woman.
"Have you gotten a chance to look over those papers I left you?" He inquired.
"Yeah they were really cool all of those Pokemon looked awesome! I'm still kinda confused though what's the Kalos region?" I asked with an excited look on my face.
"Well first off Alexa's sister Viola took all of those pictures and created copy's of her pokedex just to get those to you." Professor Oak explained pointing to Alexa.
"Oh wow! Alexa you've got to thank your sister for that!" I turn and say to Alexa.
"Oh it's no big deal we've been trying to get more people to go to Kalos and compete in the Kalos league." Alexa said to the group of us.
"Well Ash, we have some big news for you." My mom said to me excitedly. "Alexa has a offered to take you to Kalos with her!" She exclaimed. Oh my god! A new region all ready? Me and Pikachu just got back from Unova and now we're off to a new region?
"So how 'bout it? Do you want to come to Kalos with me?" Alexa asked me cutting of my rambling thoughts. Do I want to go to Kalos? I mean I just got back. I kind of wanted to spend some time at home relaxing with my mom and Pikachu. There's something telling me thought that if I go something special might happen. And if I go I might be able to do more in the region from the start now that I'm turning 15. Last time I went to a new region I was only 13 and no one took me seriously. I'm just going to go with my gut feeling.
"Sure, yeah why not! I'll go! Thanks for giving me this chance to go!" I replied to Alexa. I hope I made the right decision. I mean going to a whole new region so soon after the other one is crazy. I guess I'm going to just have to see how this adventure goes. After a few more minutes of talking Alexa went home and I headed upstairs to start packing. I would be leaving tomorrow afternoon so I had the all of today to pack but I still don't know is this is too soon to head off to another region.

Authors Note*\(^o^)/*
Yay! First chapter in soooo bad at writing so yeah... Whoever bothers to read my story next chapter is gonna have Ash meeting someone(≧∇≦)😍😍😍

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