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Elsie's P.O.V

I groaned as I turned off my alarm. My head throbbed as I stood up. Great, I had a hangover from last night. This was the perfect way to start a Monday morning.

Seeing the time on my alarm clock, it was 7:30 am. I decide on skipping my classes. Next to my alarm clock was a glass of water and some painkillers.

Gulping down the last drop of water, I feel back to the bed and once again sleep embraced me.


The stadium lights opened one by one, as I stood in the middle of a soccer field. Sweat bedded my forehead and adrenaline coursed through my veins. I slowly took in the surroundings, trying to understand what was happening. As I turned my head around my eyes caught a shadow rushing towards me in an inhumanly speed. A pair of red eyes flickered in front of me. Scared, I tried running but I was too late. The monsters nails pressed into my throat causing a sharp pain. Multiple shouts of pain escaped as I took in the monsters appearance. Blood trickled down my throat and with one final scream my eyes shot open.

I stared into the wall ahead. It was just a dream. I looked at my clock it was 5pm. Jeez I had slept for a really long time. From the corner of my eyes I saw my roommate, Katie, who was also my best friend looking at me with a bored expression.

"What happened? "She asked.

"Nothing, just a bad dream."

Her lips turned to form a smirk as she teased, "Looks like someone is still scared because of the encounter she had with the mighty spider."

"You promised not to bring that up again" I exclaimed while tossing a pillow at her.

She caught the pillow and laughed."But seriously what happened in this dream of yours"

"I started dating Jacob Sartorius" I joked

Katie burst out into a fit of laughter and that's how we spent rest of the evening. I had thanked her for keeping the painkillers earlier and later took all the work I had missed that day.


I looked around the cafeteria trying to find my group of friends. They were sitting at a table at least 20 ft away from me. While walking towards them I saw the familiar head of curls and went to his direction instead.

As I neared him, he looked over at me with a smug expression. Katie had told me he had somehow got to know about my huge crush on him but I thought otherwise.

His name was Harry, Harry Styles. He thought he was the bad boy and always wore black. He was caring and sweet without knowing. Last week when my car broke down and it was raining, he offered me a ride back home on his bike. It was the best time of my life.

I pulled out the chair across him and sat down, trying not to directly stare into his mesmerizing green eyes. He was sitting alone; his friends were probably out smoking pot. I wondered why he chose to stay behind. We both started eating our lunch without acknowledging each other's presence.

He was wearing his usual items of clothing. A black leather jacket, a black shirt and black jeans.

I noticed how he ate. He opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue 10 seconds before entering the food. Who ate like this?

He caught me staring. Well shit.

'What?' he blurted bluntly in his husky voice.

'What what?' he made me so nervous.

'Why were you staring at me?'

'Stop flattering yourself, I wasn't staring' I replied trying to act like I didn't care.

'Me being flattered by you? I don't have such low standards' he chuckled


'At least I don't have a d*ck shaped nose like you!' Saying this I stood up, and went to my friends table, away from him.


hey thanks for reading. please vote and comment. i hope you liked this chapter :)

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