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Narrators' P.O.V

14 years ago

Elsie smiled, excited for the first day of kindergarten as her mother fixed her hair. Soon she was ready and so they left.

After a series of goodbyes, her mother's eyes watered, saying," I'm sure you will be fine, oh dear have fun and make friends"

She pulled Elsie in for a hug. Elsie was really excited for her first day of school unlike most of the children around her, they all were crying miserably.

One particular pair of green eyes captured her attention. It was a boy about her age with a brown mop of curls. He was crying and hugging who Elsie thought was his mother.

More tears stained his cheek, when his mother started to leave.

"I don't want to stay here. I want to go home!" he cried but his mother just kissed his forehead and went to talk to the teacher. Elsie's mother had also left to talk a while ago.

The curly haired boy was sitting on a bench across from her, looking like he was... angry. Thinking he was lonely she approached him.

"Hey" she said in sweetest manageable way.

"Get away from me you piece of poo" he stated with disgust and narrowed his eyes.

Gasping, she replied,"I was just being nice rotten potato" and then walked away.

"If he wanted to be mean then so be it, Boys stink anyways" she silently thought herself.

Elsie hated this guy already and he felt the same. This had continued for the whole of kindergarten. Even though they were only five, they hated each other. They were like enemies on a battlefield.

6 years later

"Grade 6, you'll be needing to finish this assignment by Monday and those who don't do it will get a zero, no second chances" the teacher continued with the same lecture she gave every Friday before handing in a bunch of homework.

Most of the students had zoned out and were daydreaming. Elsie was doodling, trying to accidentally make something artistic.

Harry on the other side of the room was counting; this is how his therapist had told him to control his anger.

"1...2...3..." he mumbled.

Every fiber of his body wanted to punch Matt in the face; a fight was going to break out in the hallways.

Elsie neared her locker and after hearing a high pitched she noticed at the fight going on near her.

Drama had always intrigued her so she began walking towards it when she accidentally got in between the two rivals:  Matt and Harry.

On accident Harry punched Elsie on the nose.


Elsie's eyes turned red as she balled her fists. 

"How *punch* DARE *punch* YOU

Harry wasn't going to stand back and it soon turned into a cat fight between them.

Finding the opportunity Matt had already escaped.

1 year later

My subconscious taunts me reminding me of the awful phase I'm passing through. Middle school seemed pretty cool and I was ready to make a smashing appearance until I was stopped by none other than puberty. It welcomed me with a face of small red pimples more like chickenpox and gifted me a week of cramps and blood. I have been trying to tell her to take her gift back but I don't really know how to.

And just to make my life more horrible, she gave me feelings. Not the feelings I have for my parents. They were different feelings for a stuck-up fuck-boy who I loathed since kindergarten, my enemy, my childhood rival- HARRY BULLSHIT STYLES.

"What are you thinking about?" my childhood friend, Caleb asks

'Its Harry butterfly styles. It's the same person who I have been staring at for the last three months and whose picture I stole and put it on the other side of my bed and pretended to sleep with him and whose green eyes and silky curls come in my dream everyday'

"Nothing in particular" I lie. No one knew about my 'crush' as yet.

-End of flashbacks-


Heyyy this chapter was about their past, there wont be any more flashbacks i think. A part of the next chapter will be in in Harry's P.O.V - im soo excited. Anyways thanks a lott for reading ily.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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