Sponcer, Reminder and Surprise

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I'm going to have you guys decide who will receive sponcers starting this round. Everybody is entitled to their choice, so that means tributes and readers. Please comment below who you think should get a gift or message. I won't count any PMs so please leave the tribute name below. I will tally up the tribute with the most votes Saturday and add it into the update. Also, please don't go asking for votes, I want this to be fair and not "let's see how many of my followers will pick me". Thanks :)


Tomorrow is the last day to ask for extrntions, so if you know that'll you'll be gone Friday night or you've been busy this week, send me a PM and I'll gladly give you an extension. I won't accept anymore late extension request. The only exemption to this rule is if you're internet is down or your data runs out. Even in this senerio I need you to message me asap.

Also, this will be your reminder chapter for your entries that are due Friday night, midnight eastern time.


I will also reward your tribute if you have your entries turned in by Wednesdays, starting this week. This could be anything. Surprises will be different depending on your tribute. For example, if your tribute is hurt and needs medicine you could get that or if you've been low in the rankings, you could get an extra five points to booste you up the rankings. I'll PM you once I see you've updated.

I want to do this so I can read entries throughout the week and not all at once on Saturday and reward those that are willing to write sooner.

As always,


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