Chapter 12

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CHAPTER 12!!!!

A/N: the picture on the side is of Tommy :)

**Flashback in Tommy’s POV**

Dear God,

I know I’ve been asking you for the same thing every night for the past couple of months, but I need help. Katie-Anne ran off. I don’t know where she is or why she left, but I need to know she’s okay. Please? She is my baby sister. Please help me.


I’ve been praying the same prayer every night since I found out that Katie-Anne left. So far, nothing. My roommate, A.J. is getting kinda tired of me moping around. I’m tired of moping too, but I just can’t seem to pull myself out of it. At first, A.J. was cool and supportive, but now, he mainly just leaves me to myself.

“RINGGGGGGGGGGGGG!” my phone lights up.

I look at the caller id. 

“Who the hell?” I don’t recognize the number.


“Hi. Uhm, is this Thomas Parker?” a deep voice with a Southern accent said.

“Yeah. Who wants to know?”

“Uhm. My name is Will Tucker, and I uh.... Katie-Anne has been staying with me.”

My heart stopped.

“Katie-Anne! Is she alright? How is she? WHERE is she? Can I talk to her?!?!?!” 

I heard A.J. enter the room.

“They found her?” A.J. asked.

I shushed him so I could listen to this Will guy.

“Katie-Anne is doin’ just fine, she’s sleeping right now, so I don’t think you can talk to her right now.”

“What the hell, man?!?! You just expect me to let you control when I get to talk to my sister?!?! Give the fucking phone to my sister! I swear to God, man, if you hurt her or even THINK about hurting her, I will KILL YOU!” I seethed.

“This guy has Katie-Anne?! Shit! What are we gonna do?!?!?!” A.J. panicked. Normally, I would be grateful that he was so willing to help, but this prick had my sister, and I would stop at NOTHING to get her back.

“Whoah, whoah, WHOAH! I didn’t mean anything like that! And I would NEVER hurt Katie,” I flinched at his nickname for her “I’m her boyfriend, not her kidnapper! And I was calling because I know she misses you terribly, and I want to surprise her with you coming to visit her.”

I sat there stunned. “You’re not a kidnapper?”


“You want me to visit her?”


“ did you even get my number?”

“Katie-Anne’s cell phone. Even though she ditched the tracking card on her phone, she still has her contacts. Don’t worry, I’ve already called your parents. I explained the situation, but didn’t invite them to come until she says she is ready. YOU, however, are a totally different story. She has been talking in her sleep, and sometimes, she cries, but the only thing she ever talks about is ‘I’m sorry, Tommy. I miss you, Tommy.’ She’s a wreck without you, and I want her to be happy.”

“Oh. Okay. Well, I kinda need to know where you are and WHEN I can come.”

“Oh HELL no! You aren’t going to some psycho’s house!” A.J. yelled.

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