Chapter 16

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CHAPTER 16!!!!!!!!

*Katie-Anne’s POV*

My parents were going to arrive any minute. Will was at work, and Tommy was still at Molly’s. I was completely and utterly alone.

I heard the sound of tire tracks on the dirt driveway.


I looked out the window only to see Tommy and A.J. walking up the driveway. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hey there, little lady!!” A.J. greeted.

“Mom and Dad are going to be here ANY MINUTE, and you are still in your clothes from last night!!!!” I yelled at Tommy.

“Hey, relax! We both showered at Molly’s and all we need to do is change our clothes.” he shrugged.

“THEN GET TO IT!!!!!!” I yelled.

“Okay, okay! Damn, woman! Chill!” the boys left.

I had to admit that I felt better knowing they were here. I wouldn’t have to face them alone.

I began to pace, praying that my parents would take to Will and my new friends.

“Katie-Anne?” A.J. pulled me out of my thoughts.

“What.” I said, curtly.

He looked taken aback. I immediately felt badly for snapping at him.

“Is everything alright?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m just freaking out right now. Don’t take my bitchiness personally. Once things cool off, I’ll calm down.” I threw him an apologetic smile.

A.J. pulled me in to a big bear hug. “Don’t worry, little mamma. Will’s a great guy. Tommy is VERY protective of you, and if HE can approve of Will, then your parents can too.”

“HEY! I’m not THAT bad, am I?” Tommy came from the room.

A.J. and I laughed. I skipped over to Tommy and hugged him.

“Yes, yes you are. Remember Todd?”

“HEY! That guy was a cheating douchebag!!!!!” Tommy exclaimed.

“He hugged his cousin! And you jacked him in the face! YOU’RE the reason he dumped me!” I laughed.

“Well, if it weren’t for me, you and Todd would probably still be dating, and you never would’ve met Will.” Tommy said.

As much as I hated to admit defeat, Tommy was right. Thankfully, I didn’t have to say he was right because a car drove into the PARENT’S car.

“Are you a good fighter?” I turned to A.J.

“Uhm...yeah, I guess. Why?”

“Because you’re about to witness the beginning of World War III.”

I stood on the porch, waiting for my parents.

“Oh my goodness, Katherine-Annalyse! I have missed you SOOOOOOO much!” I was trapped in my mother’s crushing embrace.

“Hey, Mamma.” I wheezed.

“You didn’t correct me when I used your full name! What’s wrong with you?” she suddenly seemed very concerned.

“Nothing, Mom. I just thought that after running off like that, you would get mad if I corrected you!” I chuckled.

“What, no love for me?! I helped raise you, ya know!”

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