Indirect Kiss

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30 Minutes Later:

"Yami-kun's face is so soft~"

Rub Rub

'Please don't let Yugi wake up from his dream...(>///////<)"

Yami is currently being Yugi's squishy bear as Yugi seem to have an iron grip on him.

'AHHHH!!! Is this heaven or torture?!"

Yami's thoughts:

I'm holding my boyfriend in bed, but can't do anything because he's sick! (:>~<:)

Somebody help me!


"This is...the first time....that someone is by my side at home like this."

Yami stopped struggling to listen to what Yugi have to say.

"As for me, because both of my parents have to work, I often stayed at home myself when I was little. I would often feel scared whenever it's too quiet in the house, so I would always keep the television on or play one of grandpa's video games. Eventually, before I even knew it. I became addicted to all of the different games that were played on the shows. I was impressed by one magician who kept his 'poker face' intact to make sure that his opponent doesn't see his reaction. I started making my own sets of games that would help me control my expression whenever I ever win or lose. I always have fun playing games. Especially card games. The reason might be because the magician just inspired me to keep on playing and make my hands move so fast like magic. Disappearing and reappearing in thin air. And those were the only moments when I wouldn't feel lonely....."

Yami was in awe at Yugi's words. Feeling as if he had learned something knew about him for the first time.

It feels like....I'm seeing the real Yugi for the first time. The small figure...sitting there by himself....waiting for his parents to come home.....



Yami took hold of his hand and pressed it against the side of his cheek. Yami kisses the center of Yugi's palm and said, "You...should act more spoiled with me....Whenever you feel lonely, whenever you feel painful.....even if it's the middle of the night, you can call me...."

And I'll come for you right away.

Yami leaned down closer and kissed him.


Yugi blushed when he realized that he is still sick, before gently pushing Yami away.

"N-No...not on the'll catch my cold."

"It's okay. Just for a little bit."

"No way, I could never make the one I like to get sick because of me."

".........I understand."


Yami lifts the cover up to where Yugi's lips are before leaning down and kissed him. Making an indirect kiss because the blanket is what separate their lips from touching but at the same time close to a kiss.

"This should be fine, right?"

Yugi blushed at the way Yami smiled at him.


Yami leaned down again before pressing their, indirect lips, closer as a kiss once more.



"Hm? What's so funny?"

"*giggling* I find this funny because this is the first time....that I felt good about catching a cold. Yami-kun's kindness....and warmth."

Make me so happy.

Yugi smiled as Yami stared at Yugi's bubblish smile. Yugi's eyes glow so beautifully that he just couldn't take his eyes off of them.

Yami's thoughts:

We are only 14 years old. Yet, I want to grow up soon....

To become a man.

Who can take in all of Yugi's loneliness and other needs....

To become a man who can watch over him.

And protect him no matter what.



Yugi struggled a bit to get Yami's arm off of him before taking the covers off.

"Yugi? What are you-"

"So hot~ I'm sweating."

Yugi started to unbutton his PJ shirt before Yami stopped him.

"Wahhh!!! Yugi, please don't! Spare me from that!"

"Huh? Spare you from what?"

'From seeing you half naked!'


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