Hostage P3

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No one could see who was shot because I got her behind the dairy isle. When the gun fired, I was shot in the shoulder. Then darkness... I woke up minutes later, and again she pointed the gun at everyone. This time, I grabbed a shovel, walked behind her and whispers quietly "this is for what you've done to my life" and walked her on the head. I knew I didn't kill her, but she wouldn't be out for long. Everyone looked at me in shock as the blood poured down my left arm. I stole the gun and went for the door. Charlotte was outside looking at me with tears falling from her face, repetivly saying "I'm so so sorry" the door was locked. We were all trapped, I herd that son of a bitch groaning ad I knew I had to make a move.
I backed up, ready to charge to the door as my life ran before me. I ran and ran, then jumped. There was glass everywhere, and blood, my sight was blurred and saw the women chase me.
When I'm at the end of the car park, I saw Charlotte fighting her of but they both disappeared. I know where to go now.

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