Demolition is the bomb

414 17 1

Farkle P.O.V.

"C'mon Maya! I have tons of money and you deserve something special." I grab her hand and start walking towards Demolition, Maya's favorite store.

"You don't have to do this Farkle."

"I can get you your favorite band t-shirts." I smirk and Maya finally takes off her tough girl attitude.

"YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!" Maya then pulls me and takes me towards the vintage area. She then starts snatching all the t-shirts while my hands start piling up.

"A little help here Maya...AH!" I fall straight on the piles of clothes. Maya takes one glance and starts laughing.

"Oh Farkle, you make me laugh. I love you." She continues laughing while I blush to a crimson red. Oh Maya you do not know the effect you have on me.

"Maya can you help me! Bleh." I pretend to fake die and Maya laughs even more. She puts her hand out and I hold on to it. A tingling feeling travels through my body. It's not the same way I feel around Smackle. Smackle makes me happy and I feel safe around her. Maya...Maya makes me feel the same but it's stronger.

Maya and I continue to look through the store. She tries on all different types of shoes and shirts and I tell her they look fabulous. After what felt like an hour, we finally went to the cash register. Maya plops all her stuff on the counter. It's so tall that we can't even see the cashier. She pushes it to the side and starts registering them into  the system.

"You are one lucky girlfriend. My boyfriend can't even buy me food." Maya and I flush to a pinky color.

"Oh ma'am we're not dating. Maya told the cashier. "We're just really good friends."

"I am so sorry." The lady replied, "I just see you two together. Maya looks at me and starts laughing. I start laughing along to, but the lady can tell that it was fake. She winks at me and I blush.

"Ok but anyway, your total is $300."

"$300?!" I scream.

"Oops." Maya shrugs her shoulders.

Lucas P.O.V.

Riley and I are walking down the town holding hands. This is one of our favorite streets to walk along. It has a bakery, a bookstore, and Riley's favorite, Demolition. We walk past but before we go any farther, I start to hear familiar voices.

"Is that Maya and Farkle?" I ask Riley. Riley shrugs and peers through the window. She looks at it and there they are. Maya is piling clothes onto Farkle's hands. Riley giggles when the pile starts building up that you can't even see Farkle's face. One second later, Farkle falls on the ground towards a pile of clothing. Maya starts laughing.

"Oh Farkle, you make me laugh. I love you." I turn to look at Farkle but then I remember, he's covered in clothes.

"Omg! Did Maya just say that to Farkle! They have to be a couple."

I try to smile but jealously runs over me. I wish I were Farkle.

I wish Maya was the one who fell onto my lap on the subway. Maya makes me feel so happy. She lights up my world with her cute nicknames for me and shirt grabs. But I can't betray Riley. She means too much. I would also be the end of their friendship. And that means I would lose them both. Which I can't afford.

"What's wrong Lucas?" Riley asks. I put my head out of my fantasies and back to reality.

"It's ok Riley. Let's just go to your place alright?" I grabbed her hand and we walked back. Together.

Farkle P.O.V

"Here you go and takes for shopping and Demolition." The cashier hands the bag to me and we walk out of the store.

"I can't believe you actually spent $300 bucks...for me." Maya says. I smile and say: "I would do anything for you Maya. You're my best friend." Maya grabs my hand and we continue walking along the street. We talk about school and stuff that's been going on in our lives.  It's really nice to talk to Maya without our group of friends. I have her all to myself.

"So about this Lucas thing Maya. Do you still like him?" Maya lets go my hand and shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't really know what to feel about Lucas anymore. He's a great guy and everything it's just that..." Maya starts stuttering.

"It's just that what?" I fill in. Maya sighs and answers : "he has Riley by his side. He doesn't need me. I'm just his girlfriend's best friend. That's all I ever be." Maya faces suddenly doesn't look very happy. It's filled with sadness. I don't want to see Maya sad. I love it when she  smiles and laughs. It's so contagious. So I go straight up to her, put my hands on her cheeks and give her a peck on the forehead. She gives me a look of confusion but I ignore it.

"I'm here for you Maya. I'm always gonna be with you. Through thick and thin, nothing can keep me away from you. I want you to be happy Maya and if Lucas can't see that, then you don't deserve him." Maya looks at me and a tear slips out. I use my thumb to take it away.

"Now stop crying Maya. Aren't you supposed to be the tough one?" Maya laughs. Then she stands on her tiptoes  and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks Farkle. For everything." I take out my hand and Maya nods and accepts it. We walk to wherever the world takes us.


Omg I'm so sorry for all of those markle scenes but I can't help it. If you ship corbrina, then just put it that way.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Don't worry the Lucaya moments are going to come just be patient with me. ;)

See you guys in my next chapter!!!


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