Oh Stupid Huckleberry

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"Hey Maya!" I turn my head to see Lucas running towards me. I smirk instantly.

"So Huckleberry, you're really desperate to see me. You must really like me." I raise my right eyebrow and smirk. He can't come back to that.

"Actually, I do really like you and I have a question." I instantly blush. I bet he's just joking Maya. That's Lucas for you. So I put on a straight face. I walk closer to him and grab his shirt. Lucas gulps.

"What do you need from me Ranger Rick. If it's about anything homework related. I'm out. " I let go of him and cross my arms.

"Well I was thinking..." Lucas stammers but continues "we can eat dinner together or hang out at my house I don't know." He scratches his head while I tilt my head sideways. Wait why is he asking me. That doesn't make any sense.

"Oh Stupid Huckleberry, shouldn't you be hanging out with Riley or something?" I laugh a little while he continues to stare at me. Oh crap is he serious?

"I'm serious Maya." he says "but it's fine if you don't want to."

"Ok fine, I will." I blurt out. I cover my mouth and my face starts to burn up. One more and I will explode. Lucas chuckles and says: "Ok then see you later Maya." He starts walking away but before he leaves, Lucas salutes at me like a cowboy and starts galloping. I start guffawing. He's just too cute.

I start walking towards me locker when I see Riley closing her locker.

"Hey Riley!" She looks up from her phone and beams at me.

"Hi Maya, what's up?"

"Umm...I don't know why but Lucas asked me if I want ot hang out with him."

"That's weird." Riley replied. "Did you say yes?" Well crap, I should lie. No, I should never lie to my best friend. Even if I'm gonna get slaughtered by her.

"Yea. But don't worry, I won't stay for long." Riley looks at me straight in the eye. I squirm a bit. When Riley stares at you, it's like me when I'm at Phase two of my anger.  It really gets you nervous. She finally stops but I feel like something bad is gonna happen.

"Ok. Just don't stay too long and tell me everything that you did. EVERY TINY DETAIL. Are we clear?" I nod my head with a sigh of relief. Thank goodness.

"Can we leave now, I don't want to stay in this hell any longer." I complain. Riley chuckles and loops her arm around mine. We start walking away from the school (with Riley only tripping once!) After walking around a bit more, we split off to go to our apartments. Two minutes, I plop on the couch and look through my phone. When I open it, I see a text from Lucas.

Huckleberry: Hey you up for a move at 5:30? :)

I check my watch. It's 4:20 right now.

Me: Sure Ranger Rick. What movie are we watching?

Huckleberry: idk :/ what do u wanna watch?

Me: idk either. what do you wanna watch?

Huckleberry: oml. fine we'll decide when we get there.

Me: Sounds like a good plan to me Buck McBoing Boing ;)

Huckleberry: Ok. see you soon ;)

Me: u 2

I finally get out of my comfortable couch to change clothes. Basically my outfit today were black joggers with a sweatshirt. Aka: my daily outfit.

I walk to my closet and stare at it for at least two minutes. I have no idea what to wear oh no. I slide through all my hangers. I did that until I found three different outfits. The first outfit was a high-waisted ripped jeans with a crop ringer tee. My second outfit was an off the shoulder dress which was absolutely adorable. Lastly, my third outfit is a Disney graphic tee with black ripped jeans. I tried all of them on and they all looked good.

After 10 minutes, I decided on outfit 3 because it looked the best. I put my hair in a messy ponytail. To make it more "messy", I pulled some strands of my hair out of the ponytail. Afterwards, I did my makeup and put my converse on.

Ding Dong!

I look at my mirror one more time and check to see if I can fix something. I then grab my keys and rush to the door.

I open it to see Lucas Friar, better known as Huckleberry. I take a glance and blush. He's wearing a blue shirt and jeans (you know, the usual) But right now, he's looking HOT.

"Earth to Maya." I look to meet those intense green eyes. "Maya?" He moves his hand up and down towards my face. I finally snap back to reality and grin.

"Sorry. Let's go!" We both smile as I close the door and lock it.

"So Huckleberry, what movie are we watching?"

"Well, I've been looking at the new movies online and I think we should watch the new Ghostbusters. It looks pretty good. What do you think?"

"That's fine by me Huckleberry." I say.

For the rest of the walk to the AMC, it was awkward. But it was the kind where if we talked, then it would increase it. So I decided not to talk.

We arrived at the AMC and I do a silent sigh of relief. We go inside and I wait while Lucas gets the  tickets. As I wait, I notice a couple that looks awfully familiar. I squint to get a closer look.

"Aye Maya. I got the tickets." I look back up to see Lucas with the tickets. I stand up and we walk to the popcorn. Lucas takes out his wallet.

"Oh crap, I only have $7. That could only get us one large popcorn and a drink. Is that ok with you?" I nod my head yes and he walks over to the cashier. Wait, we're gonna share popcorn together. Riley would definitely not approve. I avert my attention back to the couple. The guy is wearing a black bomber jacket and his hair looks exactly like Farkle's. I then turn to the girl that is with the guy. She has black hair that looks like Smackle's. Is it them? I shake my head. It can't be.

Lucas came back and we start walking towards our room. But before we went in...

"Maya! Lucas!" We both turn to see Farkle and Smackle. I smile and wave as they walk towards us. I knew that couple was them.


"What movie are you guys seeing?" Maya asked.

"Ghostbusters. What about you?" Great just great, just when I wanted to spend time with alone with Maya.

"We're watching that too!" Maya says excitedly . "Wanna sit next to us?"

"Sure!" Smackle says.

Great. What bad timing. Maya's right, you are one stupid huckleberry.


Hey guys! I'm sorry if this was a little long but I just couldn't stop writing lol.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I do. There's some same lucaya moments but other than that not much. Don't worry guys, Maya and Lucas will have a chance to be together, alone. But not now. It's just bad timing *wink wink* see what I did there!

Like, Comment and Follow! I would truly appreciate it.

Other than that, see you next time. Bye!!!!


Instagram- fantasticfarkle (used to be sabsgmw)

tumblr- enchantedlucaya

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