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"Cmooon Tori!" Blue complained. Striped leader hissed in response.
"Never use my name Bub" she finished.
Blue caried a disappointed look across his pale face. It was erased pretty soon, for he understood her dilemma. She was the only Leader, or LIT [leader in training] who respected him. And he was the only one who didn't give strange and/or afraid glances at Stripes. Her two blades which she let him name Slip and Strike dangled at her side. She told him scary stories about how the blades where so swift, and so sharp, no drop of blood could stain its sides. Blue didn't believe it, and called her bluff every time, but he was never too sure. He was what she referred to as, a demolitionist. He didn't like big words, but this one was his favorite. When he was little, and Stripes would say that word, he would recite the multiple chemicals and compounds found in Bombs and Grenades to the best of his tooth-less ability. He considered Stripes to be his adopted sister, and protected her just as she did to him. Baby Blue heard the similar sound of Slip swinging around Stripe's wrists. She launched the curved blade towards the towering cable tower, and dragged herself upwards, leaving Blue to watch in awe. He paced for a second, counting.
5- The sound of a heavier blade, Strike,
Silently scraped the ground. Bub fit his foot in the hook, and tugged twice. A pause, and then he was roughly lifted to the top of the tower. When he got up, he was met with Stripes frown. She fixed his styled bow and kissed him on his forehead. He smiled warmly at her cold touch, and took ahold of Slip, following her to the door beside the towers edge. Only to be met with the angry faces of the unmistakable Pink Leaders Armada.

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