chess games

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"Come on, Mr. Ares, you need to go lower," I heard Dr.Stitch say as we all watched the human go through some mild physical therapy to regain some of the muscle that he had lost while he was confined to his wheelchair.

"I'm getting there, Doc," he panted out, his face scrunched up in concentration.

It had been a week since my little spat with Shiny and, honesty, everything was going alright. My Aunty's, Twilight, and I had been going through the Crystal Empires massive library to see if there was any hint of a way to get Ares to his 'United States of America'.

So far all we had gotten were a few false hopes and dead ends, but we were all optimistic.

Though I was still mad at him, Shiny was really trying to play nice with Ares. The two even started talking to each other, kinda.

It still counts even if they glare at each other and their sentences usually consist of a snide remark or two. No, really, it does!

Ares grunted at the Doctor, his arms spread out wide for balance while he sunk down lower into what the doctor called a lunge, his face drenched in sweat.

He kinda looks like he's in pain, I thought with some concern as he lunged past me so that I saw his shaking legs. Turning toward the doctor I said, "Doctor, maybe you should ease up on Ares a little bit, he looks like he's going to throw up."

"Nay, dear Niece!" Aunty Luna said as she munched on a bag of popcorn that she had gotten...... somewhere. "Our human friend can finish this!" I got a little uncomfortable when she licked her lips. "Besides, we always enjoy watching stallions sweat..."

The doctor looked up from her clipboard. "There's no need to worry about Mr. Ares, Princess, he's a big colt, he can deal with some lactic acid and sweating."

Ares grunted again, showing the doctor one of his fingers, showing her that he could use a longbow, or at least that's what he told me it meant when I asked him. "Doc, I'mma burn your house down you heartless, heartless bit-"

"Language, Ares, language," Aunty Celestia said, her nose in one of the older tombs that we had found.

"-Batchfull of ice cream," the human finished, giving the doctor a glare before he looked over to Aunt Luna. "Um, Princess Luna?"

"Yes my human friend?"

"Why do you have to be creepy?"

I fought back a smile when Aunty Luna slowly blinked. "We do not see the creepiness in our statement. We were simply stating a fact."

"...I can respect that,I guess, it's still weird though."

Luna shrugged. "We cannot say that we care. Now prithee, continue your working out so we may gaze upon your backside!"

The panting human's face lit up in concentration as he lowered himself down as far as he could, his arms still spread to keep from falling over. "J-Just one m-more," he grunted, slowly going back down and up before carefully slumping to the ground.

"That's it, I'm done, Doc," he said, taking off his shirt and wiping his face with it. "Ah Christ, I'm gonna be sore tomorrow."

"Ares," Twilight said, looking up from her scribbling with an unsure look. "Would it be alright if I did a quick sketch of your-"

"Purple, if you get me a glass of water you can slap me and call me your bitch for all I care," Ares gasped, laying on his back, flinching when Twilight let out a squee, disappearing and appearing a second later with a glass of water and hoofing it to him.

"Ares, are you alright?" I asked as Ares bumped the water onto his head with a happy sigh, Twilight's magic gently grabbing one of his hands so she could better examine it.

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