~Chapter 1:Arrival~

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"Its awakening..." A scientist said,looking at you opening your eyes.One of your eyes was E/C and the other looked like it had no pupil (picture).Your hair was H/C,You had steel wings,wolf ears,demon tail,sharp fangs,pale skin,and one hand was a scythe.You had an 8-pack from being created in a lab.You had a marking under your cheek in a shadow language,it meant 'Shadow Hybrid'."Hello...My son..." one said.After your 16th birthday you were only 5'4.Your father had enough of your bad behavior and sent you to the Sakamaki household.He gave you a charm with a red eye with a cat-like pupil in the middle to contain your powers.It was tied around your neck as a necklace and you couldn't take it off.When you arrived you got out and it started raining.You didn't mind.Your H/C hair fell infront of your special eye,hiding it.You smelt your wrist,it smelt like.......Human blood.You despised humans.You walked to the door and knocked on it.It opened on itself and you shrugged and walked in."Hello?" you asked.You noticed a boy around 17 or so on a couch and walked over to him."Hey,is this the Sakamaki household?" you asked,tilting your head.When he didn't answer,you got a little annoyed."If I were hungry right now I'd kill you.." you mumbled."Geez you're loud..." he said sitting up.He had red hair am emerald eyes.He grabbed your wrist and threw you onto the couch.

He crawled ontop of you."What're you doing?" you asked,sounding a bit annoyed."Well I'm going to take you of course~" he said and smirked.He licked the sensitive spot on your neck causing you to shiver.He was about to bite it when a voice interrupted "Ayato that is inappropriate to be doing in the lobby.Take it to your private room." the voice said.While 'Ayato' as distracted you slid out from under him."Who might you be?" the male said and looked at you."M/N L/N...I was supposed to come to the Sakamaki residence." you said brushing dirt off."Nfufufu~ theres a new little bitch is there~?" a male said from the railing.He had redish brown hair and green eyes.He wore a fedora.In a second he was next to you and licked your neck."So sweet..I wonder how you blood tastes Nfufufu~" he said."Try to bite my neck,I wont hesitate to bite your head off.." you said glaring at him.He starred back into your eye.What made yo ustop glaring was a small lick on your ear."He does taste delightful.." a voice said.A male with silver hair and red eyes came walking in."Who awoke me from my slumber?" he shouted."Why?Didn't get enough beauty sleep?" you asked,smirking."You will answer MY questions!" he yelled and punched the wall.

"Wow!Thats a lovely shade of ultra-bitch you're wearing today!" you retorted.He growled and was about to punch you before you ducked and he socked the one with the fedora in the face."Owwww!" he yelled.You smirked."Your punch was a worthless as the G in Lasagna!" you yelled.He swung at you again,but you ran fastly behind the male with glasses.You stuck your tongue out."Can you two stop fighting?" the male asked."If he's this feisty then...that's the one HE sent here." a male with orange hair said."Hm?I'll show you to your room then M/N.." the one in glasses said."But first I'm Reiji,the one you were fighting is Subaru,The one in the fedora is Laito,the one you met first is Ayato,the one with the Teddy Bear is Kanato and the one on the couch is Shu." he added on.You nodded and followed him to your room."Thank you." you said and walked in,waving.He left and you closed the door.This place was going to kill you.

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