Chapter 2: Brother, Sister Talks

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One week later after that match I'm sitting at home waiting for my brother to get off the phone. Ever since he started talking to some girl at a bar I've barley seen him. "Ok Sarah I'll see you tomorrow evening, yes 6:00, ok bye I love you too." After the hour long conversation Neymar decides to join me on the couch. "So I'll be home with Davi again huh?" He looks at me and sighs, he knew tomorrow I had a meeting with my agent at 6:00.

"I'm so sorry Becca I forgot about the meeting, maybe I can ask dad to watch him."  After he says that I start to wonder, why is he thinking dad can watch Davi when he's all the way in Brazil? "Neymar is there something your not telling me?" He gives me that look where I know he's about to spill the truth. "Well dad called two weeks ago and said he wanted to come to Spain for awhile, I was going to tell you but I kinda forgot." At this point I'm frustrated "You never change Neymar, what time will he be here?"

He'll be here around 10:00 in the morning, I was going to pick him up at the airport." What does he mean by was. "Becca do you think you can pick him up instead?" I swear I'm going to kill him, ugh!!! "Fine but you owe me big time Neymar, like a huge shopping trip and you pay for everything." Neymar gets off the couch and looks at me with the biggest smile, "you know your the best sister ever right? And I promise I will take you on the trip soon." I decide to get up as well seeing that it's getting late, "yeah well I only do this stuff for my little brother, I'm going to bed see you in the morning Ney." I start to walk up the stairs and yawn the entire way up. "Goodnight to you as well Becca see you in the morning."

I have a great little brother, but sometimes these sibling talks just get me so mad. I change and go to bed, as soon as my head hits the pillow I start to drift off into a peaceful sleep; not knowing what tomorrow awaits me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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