Chapter 12 - Fight Me

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A/N: I just realized there was a literal year gap between the last two chapters....oops....

Clary P. O. V.

"Charlotte?" I called outside of her door.  I go to knock at the door, but as soon as I make contact with the wood it opens.  

I was surprised to say the least.  

I know my daughter, and I know she never wakes up at anytime before 8, unless I force her to.  This was just plain weird.  

I looked around, and saw that her clothes from the day before were scattered on the floor, and the bed sheets were rumpled as if someone slept on top of them, rather than under.  

That was strange as well.  

Charlotte has always been a very neat person, and usually she yells at me for leaving my stuff around, she also is always cold, and never sleeps on top of the sheets.  

I sighed and shook my head, entering the room to pick up the mess off of the floor that she left.  

What has gotten into her?

Raphael P. O. V. 


I was late.


Thomas was going to murder me.  

Or worse, make me train for 3 extra hours.

I ran, shaking these thoughts, hoping that no one would notice my lateness.

But of course, knowing my cousins, Maia would announce my lateness to the entire Shadow World, and Max would snicker and tell me approximately how late I was.  

There was no way to get in not being noticed.  

I sighed, and made my way up  the stairs to the training room.  

But no one noticed me enter.  They were all focused on something else.  I let out a breath of relief, and walked calmly over to where everyone else was.  

"You're late." Maia whispered to me, when I approached.  "Shut up."  I snarled at her.  "What's going on?"  I then asked.  "I don't know."  She replied. "Thomas and Charlotte have been sparring like this since I got here."

That's when I saw the two teenagers.  They were moving so fast I could barely register where they were.  

All of a sudden, the red head, who I guess was Uncle Jace's daughter, got the upper hand on Thomas, and slammed him to the ground.  

"I win!"  She cried out, celebrating.  "Take that!"

Then Thomas swung his legs out, and knocked out her legs, causing her to fall to the ground.  "You shouldn't celebrate too soon," He said getting up.  "Because now you owe me a date, sugar."  He smirked giving her his hand.  

She scoffed, and shook her head.  "You cheated."  She pouted, getting up by herself. 

"All's fair in love and war."  He smiled at her.  "Now, stop standing around and start training!"  He exclaimed turning to face my cousins and I.  We ran to get our weapons, and I hoped that I would never have to spar with Thomas.  

Jace P. O. V. 

I didn't sleep. 

I couldn't sleep.

Knowing she was so close, but so far, I couldn't let myself lay unconscious for hours knowing she was just a few doors down.  

So instead I went out.  Grabbed some weapons, and just went out to forget everything.  Forget her. Forget our daughter. Forget my responsibilities. 

Walking back into the Institute was sobering though.   

I made a beeline for the training room to check on Thomas and the kids, but all of a sudden, I practically crashed into Clary.  "Jace!"  She exclaimed.  "Do you happen to know where Char is?"  She asked, her green eyes wide with panic.  

"She's probably training with Thomas."  I merely stated.  "I'm going to the training room if you want to check." 

"Okay."  She nodded.  "She's usually never up this early, so I freaked out."  She blushed.  

"That's alright."  I smiled at her.  "She is, after all, your daughter."  

"She's yours too."  She said.  "You can't deny that."  

"I know."  I muttered.  "I just wish I was there to help you raise her."

"I wish you were there too."  She sighed.  "I have regretted leaving here for years, but I never had the guts to ever come back.  I was scared Jace."  She shook her head, and I saw tears fall from her face.  

Quickly, I pulled her into my arms, trying to comfort her.  It felt like that's all I do when I interact with her now, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I got her back, and I'd rather comfort her than not be there at all.    

Thomas P. O. V.

Training wrapped up quicker than expected.  Jace and Clary popped in to check up on Charlotte for a few minutes, but I barely noticed they were there.  

I sent Maia, Max, and Raphael to the showers to get cleaned up before dinner, and again, it was just Charlotte and I in the training room.  

"So what is it?"  She asked, coming up to me.  

"What is what?"  I asked, confused.  

"You won,"  She said.  "So where do you want to do?"  

I smiled, and then pulled her into my lap.  "Sugar, that's going to be a surprise."  I said with a smirk, as her face turned cherry red.  

"So, you mean that you don't know."  She then retorted, regaining her composure.  

"Exactly."  I smiled, then letting go of her.  But she didn't get up.  She just stayed on my lap, and she looked at me with her breathtaking golden eyes.  "Weren't you investigating something at Pandemonium when we met?"  She asked.  

"Actually, no."  I admitted.  "Jace and I were just hanging out, since we had just completed a mission."  

"Well, maybe we can hang out there."  She smiled, wrapping her arms around me, causing me to shiver.  "Just you and me."

I was ready to lunge forward and kiss her, right then and there, but when I leaned towards her, she put her finger on my lips.  "You gotta wait Tommy."  She smirked at me, then getting up.  "Meet me at my room at 11."

And she left. 

I silently cursed, when I realized that I was completely under her spell in every way.  She had me wrapped around her finger, and now she that she knows, she will abuse her power.  

And for some reason, I loved the girl I met 2 days ago even more.

Okay, it's September please don't kill me...I tried updating...I really did!

But it didn't work out, because I had no motivation for this story, or any others in fact...But I'm back!! And I know I already said this, but I'm going to update regularly, and keep this story going!! (Unless something else happens...otherwise I'll let you guys know!!)

Wow, I keep typing '!!' a lot...oh!! well!!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and I didn't fuck this up too much...

So, to be clear, when I started this I made Maia and Max Izzy's and Simon's kids, and Raphael is Magnus's and Alec's kid. 

I'm sorry for any confusion!!

Regardless, remember to comment and vote, and I'll update soon!!


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