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How did she get here?

She was walking through the cold night, with a light trail of footsteps falling behind her as she walked through the snow. Her cheeks, ghostly and pale, and her lips quivering, she breathed onto her palms that seemed to be equally as pale, and rubbed it on her cheeks.

She was freezing. How did she get here, though? 

She felt paralyzed as she sank on the hard wooden front steps. She watched all the street lights glow. From afar, they looked like a row of stars.  But in the empty space, she felt the weight of the universe on her shoulders, with the passing of someone she knew, and the remorse of a love lost.

And then, she finally knew how she got here. She got here because of what happened two months ago She got here because she met a certain Cade Morris. She loved him. God, she did so, but if given the chance to turn back time, she wouldn't want to meet him. Not at all. 

Maybe it's because he got too close, or because she gave in. Maybe it's because it felt all sorts of right when it should have felt wrong. Or maybe, maybe it's because loving Leighton was not as easy as it seemed. Yet after everything, he did.

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