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THE NOW BLOODIED OBJECT DROPPED TO THE SAND, as if she was alarmed that she had done it to herself. She stopped at her left arm, now more aware of what she had done to herself. And then, she cried. All the unshed tears she had been holding in could only be concealed for so long.

And she wasn't done there. She had gone started crying like there was nothing else left, and maybe there really wasn't. Anyone passing by would think that she was probably turning crazy, but in her head, she thought that maybe she really was. It was hard to control your own thoughts when darkness had evaded them. They were her demons, and they pushed her way past her breaking point. Too many 'what ifs' and 'could haves' perturbed her. She was crying as she sank down to the sand, next to the bloodied blade. The soft feel of the sand sank under her knees.

Leighton then, had decided, that she had enough. She had cried enough, blamed herself enough, and most of all, she had felt enough. Deep in her mind where nothing was alright, she felt that there was no room left for anything. Not even living.

And then, she walked to the water, until it was a little too deep for anyone's liking. The problem with that was she didn't know how to swim, and she liked that.

So then and there, Leighton Scott resorted to suicide.


"HELLO?" SAID CADE. An unknown number had called him. He wouldn't have answered it if it weren't for the fact that the caller had dialed his phone twice now, and he figured that it was probably someone he knew. "I see you finally answered your phone. What's the purpose of your phone if you won't even answer it?" said a voice he never thought he would hear.

"What do you want?" he asked, sighing while trying to pick a bottle of liquor he would want to drown himself with. He would have hung up as well, but he also knew that a) it was rude to do so in the middle of a potentially important conversation and b) it probably really was something important. "What I want, Cade, is for you to get back home." snapped the caller.

"Because you're there? Wow, didn't know you stalked me."

"Not amusing, Morris. Get back here now."

"Why?" he challenged. "Because it has something to do with Leighton Scott." and he almost dropped the phone. "What happened to her?" he asked shakily. "See for yourself." Cade thought he heard...pity? And it pissed him off, but that was the least of importance right now.

What mattered was that Leighton needed Cade, and she needed him now.

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