Its happening. :3

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I'm making a new book! And I do think I will follow through. I'm sure I will... I will put a form for characters below but I do hold the right to reject people which I probably will not reject you. I am not offering a lot of places though. I apologize if you do not make it to the book :(

The character may be OP but keep in mind they will start human so please do not make them start as a full fledged warrior :3
Name(nick names are more wanted): Liv.
Human life: Average high school student. Military brat. Strong loving family. Grew up being told to rub dirt in her wounds and shake it off.
Personality: Kind and loving. Can be very anxious at times but always attempts to remain calm. Will try to be a peace maker. Always trying to do the right thing. A perfectionist but also very messy. Introverted and will be a bit cranky or quiet and tired if low on energy
Age: 15 <ages can be from 12 to 19>
Altered powers and abilities: (leaning more towards science but they can be very broad) Was given the powers of life and death by the scientists. <the scientist will be the cause of your powers> she can easily cause distrust toon and darkness. She can seriously harm people by touching them if she enables her powers. On the flip side she can heal people or create simple life as in plants. She can make things grow and live or become sick and die. She's agile and quick minded. She can also knit and learn from Pinterest tutorials.
Energy source: Nuclear waste or nuclear energy. She uses the radiation to kill or give life to things.
Weaknesses: bright lights or sun radiation. Water as well. Water will dilute her powers and tire her and bright light will make her energy source heat up and make her pass out or in extreme heat get hurt or die. Her death would hurt humans and possibly the people around her if she's high on energy
Looks: nuclear reactions in the first stages of testing have made her originally grey eyes flush faint purple and her skin pale significantly. Her hair is waves but on the thin side. She dyed it purple as well because why not. Purple FTW. In the darkest of dark she faintly glows with the frequency of a glow stick. She glows green. She's skinny as regular food doesn't work well against nuclear energy. She's short reaching five foot five. She occasionally gets ache
Likes: cats, cold weather, rain, purple, KAWAII things, Internet and most things accessible by computer
Dislikes: small dogs, scientists, tropical weather as it hurts now, annoying/argumentative people

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