Q&A answers

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1. Q: why did you become my friend?
From Shane
A: well first I saw a ton of people talking about you and I was like O.O who is this person? You name was like Iamboss or something like that then so I actually thought that you were full of yourself at first. I followed you and found out you were pretty popular. Then I commented on some stuff and then you followed me op and I was like wow... Then you started commenting on stuff then Jay came then we were suddenly talking more and more until it was normal seeing you around. By then I thought you were pretty cool so yeah.

2. Q: Bagels or muffins?
From Red

3. Q: What do you think your special abilities are?
From PizzaPony
A: writing, reading, making friends, eating, archery, video gaming, procrastinating, craft making, and athletics

4. Q: Why did you chose the name Livhock?
From MCdream
A: When I was little I had a Webkinz account , sorry if you don't know what that is XP, and my username was Livhock. It stuck with me since then. And my first name is Olivia and my last starts with and Hock.

5. Q: where do you get your ideas?
From MCdream
A: everywhere. And Jeff. That what I call my mind XD

6. Q: when did you start Wattpad
From MCdream
A: A year ago I joined and read some stories and had the idea of writing one. I started it and wrote like once a week or month. Nobody commented or anything until around my second month when I met Da_Blue_Wolf aka Storm. Then I met Jude, then all of a sudden I had more ideas and about twenty followers.

7. Q: What if you were shipped with Shane?
From Jay
A: Not a lot. Probably a lot of broken necks :)

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