Chapter 2

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Keziah's POV ^^
So I just told my girls that my man wants engage me and they haven't replied soooo...Idk what their thinking.

Grace:ok, let me start. I don't think it's a bad idea but don't you feel like it's too early you've only been together for a year

Me: We actually love each other

Toni:That's what the girl always says

Me: What do you mean 'that's what the girl always says' who do you think you are ??

Toni: it's true he might not love you like you love him

Me: The fuck !?!

I stood up screwing to signal to this girl that she doesn't know who she's dealing with.

Chelsea: Keziah chill, I'm saying this as a loving sister I'm not gonna lie I'm abit suspicious about him...

Me: omg I thought that you guys would be happy for me, you're all jealous just coz you don't have a man

Esther: Man oooo I see DICK hahaaa

Esther being high actually wasn't helping at all so I stormed outside angrily I can't believe they would do such a thing. I thought they were my true friends even my sister's and they literally said the things I didn't want to hear. I went home thinking about the things they said and I just started balling.

Grace's POV
This so called "engagement" might have a chance of working I don't know maybe they do really love each other but I just don't want her to get hurt.

Toni's POV
Is Keziah mad or stupid or both like she's dealing Kimani Lewis, everyone knows including herself that he's a fuck boi.Just imagine all the side dishes he has, she might even be one.He's lucky that I haven't caught him slipping just yet if I do there's gonna be trouble.Chelsea went outside to look for her but she was long gone.

Grace: guys don't you think we were too harsh on her

Chelsea: We're saying it to protect her from getting hurt

Me: PREACH sister

Grace: I actually need to go mum might be calling the police now

Me: Lool byee love you

Grace: love u too bye

Grace left it was only us three

Chelsea: Can I sleep over today?

Me: of course and Esther is already conqed out so I geuss it's a sleepover let's watch Love & Basketball

Chelsea: Yassss.

This day has been kinda stressful you know people actually need know how to make decisions in life.

Like myself for example I'm still trying to get rid of a sticky situation I'm in but that's something to tell another time.

Wassap guys please vote,comment & continue reading

I'm abit skeptical about I'd this book is good or not but I'll try my best to continue writing thx for reading boos

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