Chapter 3

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Kimani Lewis POV
Yoo so I just finished beating big back shamika,gave her the best D she'll ever get in her life,Hoe.As she wrapped herself in covers naked starring me in the eyes looking all lovey dovey and shit.Keziah was about to come over in a few so she had to duck out my house asap.

Me: Ay, why you still here!?

Shamika: babes don't you like spending quality time with your girl

Me: Yh..Yh... Of course b, but you see my mandem are coming so you have to go, Yh

Shamika:hmm.....Are you fucking someone else

Me:What?!? You know I only love you and you only b

Shamika:Awww babe

Kmt can she just get out my house about ' awww babe', does she want me to die.

Me:Now hurry up and go before I lose to one of my Boys


So she unravels the covered and grabs her clothes all butt naked obvs I had to prey and she heads into the bathroom.

5 mins later.....

Keziahs POV
So I came to visit bae soon to be my fiance....ahhhhhh I'm so excited!?! I knocked on the door awaiting his arrival tbh I should ask him for my own key too. He wasn't answering the door so I went around and his garden door was open, I wanted to surprise him so I quietly went in and slowly went upstairs. I knocked his room door.

Kimani:B the door is downstairs
I opened the door looking puzzled but he looked me surprised,like...Very surprised Lool he's so cute.

Me:Are you ok?!?

Kimani:Yh...... Why wouldn't I be sit on my bed for a second I need to use the toilet

Me:Okay hubby

He leaves the room going towards his toilet and he quietly knocked but he wasn't too quiet Coz I could hear him.

Kimani: urm what's taking you so long he whispers,so I can only distinct words

Second voice: alright alright! Babes I'm leaving also I heard the door

Wait...Wait..Wait tell me I'm just hearing one of his boys that just didn't go through puberty properly.

Kimani: shh shh!!

Second voice: Why?lemme say hi

As this person opened the door this bitch came in my man's house dressed in the most sketty clothes with her closure flapping just enough for me to pull so I jumped of the bed and didn't even bother to question.

Second voice: Oh are you one of his man's but like a Tom boy

And she dumb too.

Me: no honey I'm his Fiance

Kimani: keziah its not what it looks like

Me: huh?!? You even dared to utter a excuse,God please I beg just come strike these bastards already

Second voice:Urm. Did you say fiance

Me:yes and I'll say it again in French, fiance.German, FIANCE. Spanish,F.I.A.N.C.E

As I moved closer to her so she could get in her thick head.I pushed her and was about to her a hot slap to be pulled back by kimani I quickly removed his hand and pounced on this girl like she stole my jollof or sumthing and I grabbed that Dusty closure and pulled on it as she was screaming, he tried to pull me off but I was too angry and I stared throwing fists while I floored her. After beating her up I finally tured around, took a deep breath and gave kimani the biggest slap as he cuffed his cheek speechless while I walked away slamming his front door. At that moment I knew it was over for sure this is the third time that it's happen, I wish I'd listened to my sister's......

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Thx boos

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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