06: New Warrior

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A quarter moon passed, and though he was still healing, Squirreltail was now able to leave the medicine cat's den. Fallingpaw felt her body filling with joy as she watched the grey tom take his first steps out of the den. She was so glad he was healing well, and soon enough he'd be back to his warrior duties.

Warrior duties are what Fallingpaw would be fulfilling soon as well, as she had refused becoming a warrior until Squirreltail could attend her ceremony. Now, he could.

"Let all cats old enough to climb gather beneath the Tall Oak for a Clan meeting!" Quailstar's yowl rang through the camp, and the cats of TreeClan stopped what they were doing to sit at attention.

Quailstar looked around at the gathered cats before he continued. "As some of you may know, Fallingpaw has discovered a sacred tree that allows us to communicate with our ancient ancestors. Because of it, I was able to speak with Treestar, the original leader of TreeClan."

Surprised gasps echoed through the camp, and the cats of TreeClan began muttering to each other. Quailstar swished his tail for silence, and after a few moments of decreasing chatter, it was granted.

"Since Fallingpaw has made such an important discovery, I have decided that it's only right that she's rewarded." Quailstar paused, but no cat objected. "Fallingpaw, please step forward."

Fallingpaw stepped forward, brimming with excitement. It felt like a dream, is this really happening?

Quailstar nodded to the apprentice, then looked up at the sky, and spoke. "I, Quailstar of TreeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn."

Quailstar then looked back down at Fallingpaw. "Fallingpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Fallingpaw managed to say, though she was shaking with excitement. She was still sure this was another one of her daydreams.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Fallingpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Fallingwish. StarClan honours your enthusiasm and honesty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of TreeClan." Quailstar jumped down from the Tall Oak and placed his muzzle on top of the new warrior's head, and Fallingpaw- no, Fallingwish, licked his shoulder in turn.

The cats of TreeClan began to cheer Fallingwish's new name, and she felt as if everything was perfect.

"Fallingwish! Fallingwish! Fallingwish!" The clan called out, fuelling her growing pride. Soon, it died out, and Fallingwish was immediately smothered by her parents.

Mousenose- Fallingwish's mother- began licking her daughter all over. "Oh, Fallingwish, I'm so proud of you! I can't believe you're actually a warrior now!"

Eaglewing- her father- was purring loudly. "You deserve it, Fallingwish."

Before Fallingwish had a chance to reply, Elmpaw started whining. "No fair! Why does Fallingwish get to be a warrior!"

"Because she made a discovery that will change our lives forever!" Sparrowpaw responded.

"I-it's not that big of a deal..." Fallingwish muttered modestly.

"It is!" Sparrowpaw replied, nuzzling his sister. "It's amazing!"

"Thanks, Sparrowpaw." Fallingwish meowed, nuzzling him back before stepping away. Her orange eyes then met Squirreltail's yellow ones, as he looked at her with pride. He padded forward, touching his nose to his former apprentice's.

"I'm proud of you, Fallingwish." Squirreltail said, a purr rumbling in his throat.

Fallingwish felt her body filling with warmth at his approving words. I'm going to become the best warrior I can be, for you, Squirreltail!

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