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The fear of being hurt.

"What did she say Remus and how did you understand her?" Lily asks as she and Remus sit down on the window ledge in the Gryffindor common room, just after the first years went to bed.

"She said, "If it means anything, I think you're brave to be in a war." Then she told me to smile," he answers fiddling with his tie.

"How did you understand her?"

"You know like you read for fun?"


"I was bored about two summers ago and wanted to learn a language. But I couldn't pick so my mum told me I should learn sign language," Remus admitted, smiling slightly at the memory.

"Now that's sorted, I'm going to search all the first years until I find the one that shouted out....And kill them," she motions to get up but Remus grabs her by the back of her robes.

"Calm down kitty," he chuckles.

"Okay, but they shouldn't have said that."

"I know but it's kinda my fault. Didn't make it clear on what questions....I'm going to bed," he adds with an afterthought.

"Alright.." she says unsurely, "You going to be okay?"

"Lily I've dealt with this kind of  "talk" since first year. I'll be okay," and he leaves to the boy's dormitory.


The next morning, Remus wakes up with a terrible headache. Not a normal one, not even the pain level after crying. This was one only the full moon could bring on.

I guess I forgot to mention that Remus John Lupin was a werewolf.

The full moon was when all people affected by Lycanthropy, turn into werewolves. Most people that are werewolves don't show vicious behaviour out of their wolf form, but there are some that do. Like Fenrir Greyback, the werewolf that attacked Remus when he was only five.

Now I'm just getting sidetracked, the full moon was just five days away and that made Remus feel horrible. He always felt sick and light headed and his emotions were always out of whack. He could strike out at anything then he'd feel really terrible afterwards.

He got out of bed and leaned his forehead against the cool glass of the window at the side of his cupboard, leaning against the wall.

He'd go to Madam Pomfrey later before breakfast to get a headache relief potion. But for now he'd get dressed and sit in the common room.

A quick glance at his watch tells him it was half five in the morning. He groans quietly to himself and starts to get changed quickly.

After buttoning up the last button on his shirt, and tying his tie, Remus grabs the spare blanket at the bottom of his bed and heads down to the common room to sit beside the fire place.


On his arrival, Remus is suprised to see Lily and a fourth year called Marlene, sitting beside the fire in two of the red armchairs.

Lily notices him and waves to him to sit down. Remus shuffles over and rolls over the back of the sofa, landing in the seat pillows. He throws the blanket over him and makes an inhumane noise as it falls onto his face.

"Guess you're not a morning person, huh Lupin?" Marlene asks.

"Shut up McKinnon," Remus grumbles, his speech muffled by his blanket.

"Couldn't sleep?" Lily asks kindly, moving the blanket away from his face and tucking him in like a child.

"No, not much. I went to sleep like...f-four hours ago..? Maybe..? I also have a huge headache," He smiles tiredly at her, touched by the deed.

"But you went to bed so early," Lily shakes her head.

"Yeah but do you remember who I share a dorm with?"

"Bloody Potter, bloody Pettigrew, bloody Black..." she mutters darkly, absentmindly glaring at the stairs to the boy's dorm.

"Yeah anyway, what are you two doing up this early?"

"Mary snores...really loudly," Marlene yawns.

Lily and Remus both yawn also.

"Dammit M-M-Marrrlene don't you know y-awwnning is contagious?" Lily scowls at the girl.

"Sorry," she smiles innocently.


At eight o'clock, Remus walls down to the Hospital Wing, clutching at his forehead. The headache for worse over the two hours he was waiting to go down.

He pushed up the huge door to the room and is immediately attacked by Madam Pomfrey. The woman was very kind but strict. She was probably one of the best Healers in England and she cared alot about her patients.

"Mr Lupin, what is wrong?"

"Luna capitis," he mutters, noticing the mute girl from before sitting on one the beds, playing with a piece of string.

"I'll be right back, just sit down on that bed, the one beside Ms Sordinë."

Remus nods and sits down, he then smiles at the girl.

"Hi again, I never asked your name. I'm Remus Lupin."

She smiles back and signs.

"I'm Hanna Sordinë. How can you understand me?"

"My mum taught me how, she said it would come in useful one day," Remus chuckles slightly, "and it has."

"Are you sick?"

"No, I just have a huge headache. Why are you in the hospital wing?"

"Boys in green ties jinxed me, and girls with too much makeup on called me names for not being able to talk."

Remus' fist tigtens and he makes to get up before he feels her hold down his arm.

"It's okay," she signs, "Professor Dumbledore helped me. And before he came, I did trip over a tall blonde one and kicked another."

Remus grins and laughs.

"That'll show those Slytherins. But if they bother you again, you come get me or Lily, the red head girl from yesterday, okay?"

She nods.

Before Remus can speak again, Madam Pomfrey runs over with a option in hand and gives it to Remus.

"Now Mr Lupin, the relief will last till dinner, so if it still pains you, come back for another. Ms Sordinë, you are free to go also."

Hanna gets up and walks towards the door, but stops, waiting on Remus. He quickly drinks the potion and leaves the empty bottle on the side cabinet, speed walking towards Hanna.

"I'm kinda of scared to walk alone in the halls...can I walk with you?" She asks, looking shyly at the floor.

"Of course, what are friends for?"

"Y-You want to friend?"

"Yes, you're quite an extraordinary person for someone that's only eleven."

"Thank you."

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