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John's POV I went to the door and looked around. Memphis grabbed me by the jacket. She was in a totally different outfit she went to bed in. "I woke up in this. I thought it was just Daryl being an ass hole but Daryl isn't here. Then I thought it might've been you but you were still in the bathroom. I went downstairs to ask Rachel but she wasn't here either. Then I felt a breeze and the window was smashed." She started tearing up and I took her hand and lead her to my bed. "Would you feel better if you laid here with me?" I asked and she whipped her eyes. She nodded and I laid down. She rested her head on my chest and fell asleep.
Ok I forgot the picture so here it is.

Memphis's POV  I woke up and I was laying on John, who was asleep

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Memphis's POV I woke up and I was laying on John, who was asleep. I got a sinking feeling that maybe the person who changed me might have, you know, raped me. I got up being as careful as possible not to wake John up. I walked downstairs to the med room. I found a pregnancy test, went into the bathroom and used it. It was negative. I smiled and threw the test away. I walked out of the bathroom and there was a middle aged man standing outside the door. "JOHN!" I scream and back up into another man. He puts a weird smelling rag over my mouth and nose and I black out.
John's POV "JOHN!" I opened my eyes and Memphis wasn't in bed anymore. I grabbed my pistol and ran down the stairs. There were two people, one had a gun in his hand, the other had Memphis over his shoulder. I aimed at the one who was carrying Memphis and blew his brains out. He fell to the ground and so did Memphis. I heard footsteps behind me and I pretended I didn't hear it and waited until they were right behind me. I elbowed whoever it was turned around and snapped their neck. The last one standing aimed a gun at Memphis. "Whoever's up there come down or I'll kill her!" I dropped my gun and walked all the way down the stairs. The orange haze went over my eyes and I think he saw the glow because he dropped his gun and tried to run away. I picked up his gun and shot him in the leg so he fell over. I walked over to him and he stood up. He ran for the door and I grabbed him by his shirt, turned him around,  and punched him hard enough to knock him out. I let go of him and kicked him. I drop his gun and kneel down to Memphis. Her eyes slowly open and she sits up. She looks at the people I killed then the one I knocked out. I helped her up and she goes to give me a hug when I get spun around and thrown into a wall. The guy I knocked out grabbed Memphis and put a knife to her throat. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into, boy. This girl is worth more than the whole galaxy combined." His voice was shaking through his teeth. He brought the knife from Memphis's neck all the way down her arm. She went to scream but douche bag covered her mouth. I picked up a gun and aimed. I pulled the trigger and the knife he had fell out of his hand. "I'll be back." Then he fell dead. Memphis had blood running down her arm, and I ran over. "Hey, hold on for just a minute. I'll call Rachel." She nods and I run upstairs to get my phone. I called her and it started ringing. I ran down the stairs back to Memphis who was holding her neck. "Hey John, what's up?" She asked as I handed my jacket to Memphis when she started shivering. "Rachel, we need help. Some guys broke in and Memphis is bleeding bad." I kept looking at Memphis. "Okay we just finished well be back really soon." I started freaking out. "What do I do until you get here?" My voice was shaking and Memphis was fading fast. "Um get a paper towel and hold it to where she's bleeding, if you have to there's bandages and stuff like that in the med room. Top drawer on the left." I swallowed hard and nodded. "Okay." I walked to Memphis. "Good boy." And she hung up. I looked at the blood on my jacket, down Memphis's arm, and on her neck. I went into the med room and grabbed bandages and a paper towel. I hurriedly took my jacket off Memphis. I wrapped her arm and held the paper towel to her neck. The blood seeped through quicker then I thought and I grabbed another few paper towels. I ran out and swept Memphis's hair out of the way. I put the paper towels on when Rachel came in. She looked around I'm guessing at the people I killed. She pulled her hair out of her face and walked over. "Daryl, Johnson, take care of...them. John help me get Memphis into the med room." I nodded and picked Memphis up. Blood was dripping down her fingers onto the floor. I brought her in and Rachel pointed to a table. "Since Daryl and Johnson are on clean up duty, you have to help me out." I nodded and stood still until she told me to something. "Could you distract her while I'm doing this." Rachel said grabbing a needle. "Yeah." I walked over to Memphis and she smiled. "Hi." I waved as if she was far away. She lifted the hand that wasn't being stitched up and hit the button on my helmet that lifts my shield. "Were your eyes more blue before all this? Instead of more gray." I looked at Rachel and she didn't look up from what she was doing. "I don't think so." I answer looking back at her. "I always thought it would be cool to have grayish blue eyes." I smiled and then looked at Rachel, who was getting closer to Memphis's neck. "I think you're brown eyes are cute." She smiled and I looked back at Rachel. "This is gonna start to hurt real bad in a second." She whispered. I nodded and grabbed Memphis's hand. She winced and bit her lip to keep herself from screaming. Rachel stopped for only a second and looked at me with a 'I'm going to kill you.' glare. "You saw it." I say looking at Memphis. "Yes." Rachel said through her teeth, then going back to stitching Memphis up. "Done. I'll go see if Johnson and Daryl are done yet." Rachel walked out of the room and Memphis sat up. She hugged me and then tried to stand. She slipped and I caught her. "Alright come on." Daryl yelled from just outside the door. I put my shield back down and we walked out. I looked at my bloody jacket, grabbed it and walked upstairs. I rinsed it off in the sink then laid it on the headboard of my bunk. I felt weird not having it on so I grabbed a flannel shirt and put it on. I walked back down to where everyone was and Memphis smiled at me and Daryl had something behind his back. "What are you doing?" I asked looking at everyone. Daryl handed me a skateboard and I looked at him like he was drunk. "Why?" This is suspicious on all ends. "Duh, it was your birthday yesterday. We just didn't give it to you because you were busy committing suicide." Oh yeah, about that. "Um, yeah. Sooo, thanks? I don't really know how to respond to that." Daryl laughed and punched my arm. "I'm kidding! Go try it out." Memphis was excited for some reason. Johnson pushed me out the door and Memphis came with me. Rachel and Daryl followed her, then Johnson came out after them. Rachel and Memphis pulled out their phones. "You're going to film me! I'm going to fall on my face and it'll be all over the internet." "The people are waiting." Rachel said holding up her phone. Memphis smiled and I rolled my eyes. I put the board on the ground and got on. I kicked off and road down the sidewalk. I turned it around and started having a lot of fun. There was a parked car and I know I'm going to get killed if I fail this but its going to be awesome. I ride as fast as I can up to it and do a kick flip over the hood. "Oh my god, that was so cool!" I looked over my shoulder and it was a little kid, probably six. "Thanks." I say riding by. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned on my music and kept riding around. "John, look out!" I hear Daryl yell. I had just landed jumping over the car again when another car came towards me. The board hit the car and so did I. I landed in front of it flat on my back. Between the car hitting me and me landing the way I did it knocked the wind out of me and Connor came running out of the car. "John! I'm sorry, are you okay?" Connor's mom got out of the car and covered her mouth with her hands. I couldn't talk yet but I tried anyway. "I... c-can't... br-breathe." When I finally said that Connor and his mom exchanged glances. His mom nodded and ran over to get everyone and I guess tell them what was wrong. "Stay with me for just a little bit longer." I nodded and tried to focus on regaining my breathing. I started to see Memphis and Daryl running over. I looked at Connor and he was scared out of his mind.

Hello my peoples. I know Memphis hasn't had a super long POV like John has for I while. Don't worry, I'm getting back to being myself in the next chapter. And sorry there was a lot of blood in this chapter but I'm not feeling it right now to be happy. I'm feeling more kill me now😀🔫. I'll be fine in the next couple of minutes so don't go and try to make me feel better, I'm fine. Peace out!✌️

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