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Memphis's POV I wake up and immediately hear screaming and thuds. I get up and walk downstairs. John is on top of Connor punching him in the face and Connor has John's throat in his hands. "Guys stop!" I run over and go to grab John's arm. When he pulls his arm back to punch Connor again he elbows me nose. I fly back a few feet and hit the ground. "You son of a bitch!" I look up and John's healed over holding his stomach and Connor is just now getting up. I try to get up but fall over and Rachel picks me up and takes me upstairs. "Spartan boys don't fuck around when they say they'll kill you. Stay here." I nod and Daryl comes in with an ice pack. "Here, this'll help it from hurting like hell." He shoots me a quick smile and I hear a window break. "You didn't tell me they were gonna kill my parents, you ass hole!" I sit up and Daryl pushes me back down. "Ow." I say glaring at him. "Sorry." I start to hear a siren pull up outside the fence. "Shit, stay here." Daryl looks back at me then walks out the door. Rachel follows him and closes the door. I feel under my nose and its bleeding, then I feel something almost in my mouth. I get up and when I stand up it feels like someone took a piece of glass and ran it up my leg. I wince and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and blood from my nose was making its way down my mouth. A grab a crappy paper towel and put it under my nose. I walk back over to where Rachel laid me down and I pinch the bridge of my nose and tilt my head up. Daryl walks back in and leans his head up against the wall. He slides down and sits next to me. "How you holding up, kiddo?" I glare at him and he turns his head to the door. "John and Connor are in deep shit. We can't bail them out until tomorrow, so they'll be getting beat up by other guards or whatever. Or getting asked questions and beat up by John's foster parents." "What! They've been arrested?!" I shout and Daryl nods. I lean my head back so it touches the wall behind me. "Oh for fuck sakes."
John's POV Connor's been recruited and isn't taking how commander did it well. "You could've told me they were gonna kill 'em!" He clenched his fists and swung at me. "Sorry, I didn't know! I hardly had parents, I didn't know that's what they do to kids with parents." I moved my head so his fist flew past me. He threw another punch and it hit me in the mouth. I had my helmet on but it wasn't doing much good. I felt the blood run down the corner of my mouth. I punched him back and he stumbled back a few feet. He had a black eye and glared at me. "Can I have your girlfriend?" I shook my head no and he shrugged. I kicked his leg out from under him and he fell over onto one knee. I turned around and started to walk away when he grabbed my ankle and I fell flat on my face. I roll over and he grabs me by the collar, pulling me to my feet, and smiles. "Hit me with your best shot." I roll my eyes and punch him in the nose. He shakes his head and, unexpectedly, he kicks me in the chest and I fly back into the wall. I get tired of his shit and kick him to the ground and start to punch him in the face. The orange glow goes over my eyes when Connor starts choking me. "Guys stop!" I don't listen and keep punching Connor. He has blood dripping down his face from above his eye, his nose, and his mouth. My elbow hits something and I spin my head around to see Memphis lying on the floor about two feet away from us. I stop punching Connor and freeze. I just hit my girlfriend, why did I do that? "You son of a bitch!" I turn back to Connor and he knees me in the gut. I put my hand over it and hold myself up with my other hand. Connor gets out from under me and I turn to see Rachel carrying Memphis up the stairs. Good, get her out of here. I stand up and give Connor a death glare. He grabs me by the throat and throws me through the window. When I hit the ground I hold my side and scream, I know that's kinda a girly thing to scream when you get hit, but that fucking HURT. Connor walks out of where he threw me. I get to my feet and see the people around us either filming or calling someone. I punch Connor again and he kicks me in the knee and I hear a crack. I fall to the ground and bite my lip as hard as I can to keep from screaming again. I hear a siren and see blue and red lights flashing on the buildings. Connor gets on top of me and punches me until a cop pulls him off. Another cop grabs me and pushes me over the hood of his squad car. He grabs my hands and puts them behind my back. I hear him put the cuffs on me and he opens the back door and shoves me in. "Watch your head. You have the right to remain silent and anything you say can and will be used against you." I hit my head on the frame and get in. Connor gets in beside me and the police close the door. "Fuck!" I yell leaning my head back against the seat. I watch Daryl run out and he glares at us through the glass. The cop talking to Daryl shakes his head and both officers walk to the car. They get in and start to drive away. "Double fuck." I whisper under my breath and the officer in the passenger seat turns around. "Watch your mouth, kid." Then he turns back around and the other cop speaks up. "You know we're going to have to call your parents, right? And don't worry, you're too young to go to jail, you'll just stay in the cells at the police station." I slide down in the seat when I thought that they were going to call my foster parents. SHIT, SHIT, SHIT. "Pussy licker." Connor whispers starring at me. "Cock sucker." I whisper back and the police officer who was driving looked at us through the rear-view mirror. "If I could I'd choke you to death with these handcuffs." I looked at Connor and he kicked me in the knee again. "Ow!" I whisper and he smiles then looks out of the window. When we got to the station a woman at the front desk asked us for our parents numbers. Connor said his died and the woman nodded and pointed to a bench. He sat at it and someone came over with a towel and wiped the blood off his face. "What's your parents number?" She asked with a notebook and pen in her hand. I didn't say anything and one of the cops hit me with a taser. I glared at them and then looked back at the woman. "762-482-1089." I made that number up don't try calling it. "Alright boys, sign here and you can go to your cells." The cops came up and unlocked the handcuffs. I took the notepad from the woman and wrote my name, then handed it to Connor. He handed it back to the woman and a cop grabbed both of us and put us in separate cells across from each other. They locked the door and Connor sat on the bench that was chained to the wall. I sat in the corner and put my head down. I heard them calling my foster dad and I freaked out. My hands started shaking and Connor laughed. "What, scared of your dad? What he do to you that was so bad anyway?" I looked at him. "He beat me up, bad." Connor scooted up closer to the bars, he looked at me like a seven year old getting told the greatest story ever. "How bad?" "He sent me to the hospital a couple of times. He'd choke me until I'd black out, tell me to hit him so he'd have a reason to kill me. Every time I'd go to a friends house after school because I was to afraid to go home, he'd go there and beat me in front of my friend." I looked up and Connor was devastated. "One, why wasn't he arrested? Two, you killed three grown men with four rounds and your bare hands. I think you could take one guy on." I shake my head. I stand up, limp over to the bars, and lean on them. "No he didn't get arrested because he's with the FBI. And it's different, those guys weren't that big of a threat. My dad he's, uh, he's different than other people. He's shot me, he's stabbed me, he's almost killed me. He won't stop until whatever's on his mind is gone. I remember one time he was cheating on his wife, she found out and stood up to him. He started kicking her like he did to me. I heard her and I ran down the stairs with a gun in my hand. I aimed it at him and pulled the trigger. I watched the bullet go straight through his skull, then he got back up, and killed his wife, then threw me through the wall. He shot me in the leg and left me there to bleed to death until my friend walked past my house and saw me laying in the blood puddle through the window."I looked back at Connor and his mouth was wide open. I looked down, then back at him. "You're dad's a mutant psychopath!" I watched my dad walk in and he grabbed Connor by the throat. "What'd you say about me, boy?" Connor's eyes started rolling into the back of his head. I stood up and grabbed the bar. "Dad, stop! He's not the one you're looking for." He dropped Connor and walked over to me. "Could one of you boys unlock this for me?" He said looking back at the cop with the keys. "Of course, sir." The cop walked over and unlocked the door. I fell back and moved to the back of the cell. "Lock the door behind me, I'll tell you when I'm done." The officer nodded and locked the door. I'm trapped, I'm trapped in here with this psycho. Shit. I ran over to the bars and grabbed them. "Connor, promise me, whatever he does to me you can't scream. I don't want him doing this to you too. Okay, just don't scream." With saying that, my dad grabbed me and threw me into the wall. I look at Connor and he's covering his mouth. "Now it wouldn't be fun to let you get protection, would it?" He went to grab my helmet and I kicked him. "Don't touch the helmet." He laughed and took it off. "Excuse me boys but could you give this back to my son when I'm done with him. I don't want it getting damaged." The cop nodded and took my helmet from my dad. "Shit!" My dad grabs me by the throat and starts choking me. I look at Connor and lift a finger over my mouth signaling for him to stay quiet. He covers his mouth and dad throws me into the bars. I watch tears fall down Connor's face as he's still covering his mouth. Dad spins me around and picks me up by the collar. I kick him and blood drips from his nose. "We've gotta make up all the two years you weren't getting this. So I'm gonna tell them that you and your friend have to stay here for another five days. But they won't have the choice to bail you out, you have to do the time." He grinned and punched me in the gut. "AH!" He let go of me and I hit the ground. I tried to get up but dad pinned me in the corner. He kicked me over and over again until I coughed up blood. Blood got on his pants and he punched me in the face again. I heard Connor sniffle and I shot my finger over my mouth. He covered his mouth again and kept watching. My dad picked me up punched me in the mouth. I spit the blood out and he smiled. He puts his hand on my throat and I grab his hand and try to pull it away. My vision gets blurry and he drops me on my side. I roll over and try to get up, holding my side. He walks in front of me and crouches down so he can see my face. He smiles and kicks me in the face. "AH!" He pulls out his gun and aims it at my head. I flinch and he pulls the trigger. "AAAHH!!" I scream again and I grab my leg. Dad taps on the bars. "Alright, I'm done. Give him his helmet back and let me out of here." The police officer nods and unlocks the door then hands my dad my helmet. He throws it at me and I cover my face so it doesn't mess me up anymore. I put it back on and lean up against the wall. A girl with a little hat on came in and fixed my leg. "Five days should be a good time. Don't let anyone bail them out." The woman at the desk nods and calls UNSC. My dad walks out and I hold in the screaming to listen to the conversation the woman was having with the guys. "This is UNSC. Spartan 118 speaking. How may we help?" Connor listens in and I turn my head. "M-Memphis?" I whisper and Connor looks at me worried. "Yes, we just talked with someone from the FBI. They said that these two had to stay for five more days. They have to do the time, they can't be bailed out." I grab a bar and pull myself up. "Memphis?" I whisper again and I don't hear anything coming from the phone. "Um, yes. Okay, that's fine. May I speak to them for just one second?" "You can talk to one of them. I don't think the other is in any condition to talk." She handed the phone to Connor. "Hello? This is Connor." The woman holds up her hand and mouths out the words 'five minutes." And Connor nods. "Connor, this is Memphis. Why is John not in any condition to talk?"
"His dad came in and beat him up." He looked at me and I waved.
"Put it on speaker, now." Connor took the phone off his ear and hit the speaker button.
"John? You alright?"
"H-hey. Yeah I-I'm f-f-fine." I smile under my helmet and look at Connor.
"Why is he stuttering like that?"
"I told you, his dad beat him up. He choked him and kicked him in the stomach a few times. Then he, uh, shot him in the leg." Once Connor said that, my leg started to hurt really bad. "AH!" I scream then cover my mouth.
"That's it. I'm coming over there." And she hung up. "So you boys have a visitor, I'll log it in and you guys are going to be in the same cell while his dad is gone. But once he calls it goes to separate cells until he leaves. Charlie, let the young man without the helmet into the other ones cell." One of the officers got up and unlocked Connor's cell. Connor walked out and once Charlie opened my cell he ran in. "John! Hey you okay?" I look at him and roll my eyes. "Does i-it look l-like I'm okay?" He giggles then looks around him. "There's so much blood." He looks back at me then reaches for my helmet. "Is it okay if I take it off?" I nod and he pulls it off. "Oh my god." He takes his jacket sleeve and wipes it below my mouth. "You're n-not my mom, C-Connor." He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. "I know, but there is blood all over your face and you look like a zombie. You scaring me." I laugh then grip my side. "Ow, ow, ow. It hurts to laugh." Connor shakes his head again and he hears someone come through the door. "H-helmet." "Oh, yeah, right." He handed me my helmet and I put it back on. A cop comes to the door and unlocks it. "I'm not gonna cuff you guys, come on. Someone's here to see you." Connor helps me up and we walk/limp to the front. Memphis is standing there with Daryl and Rachel. "Hey bud, you alright... HE SHOT YOU?" I nod and Memphis turns to me. "Why would your dad do that to you?" "I-I don't kn-know." She gives me a hug and she hugs side I fell on. "OW! Watch the side, watch the side!" She lets go and looks at me. "When you get out of here, I'm going to kill your dad."

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