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It was quarter past eleven in the evening, dinner had been eaten, pools have been swum in, and yet, still no Miss Bee.

My sisters and I were starting to wonder whether Dani was right or not, lol, no, just kidding, we weren't. But seriously, where IS she?

By this point, everyone was already fast asleep, jet lag hitting everybody's head like a sack of bricks. After the night swim and the fabulous filipino dinner that the kitchen staff and Angel presented to us, accompanied by OPM, or original pinoy music by an artist called Kitchie nadal, which Lisa swore to learn before we left, the lull of the nice warm evening sent everyone into dream land. Everyone except me.

I could see the view of the lit garden outside our window from my top bunk. This bunk bed was so awesome and big, my five foot nine giantess of a self felt like a baby in a crib.

Hearing my sisters' slow steady breathing and Dani's occasional sleepwalking episode made me a bit jealous. I just wanted to sleep so bad. I averted my gaze from the window and lay on my side facing the wall, I was comfy, but not fall-asleep comfy. I sighed.

Why can't I sleeeep, I am exhausteeeeed aaaaaaaack. Kath, go to sleeep. go to sleeeeep.

"That's it, I give up." I whispered to myself. Slowly, and as quietly as I possibly could, I climbed down the stairs of my bunk and onto the floor, grabbing a thin hoodie with plans of maybe hanging out by the pool. I took my journal too, just in case I got inspired.

"Ooh, don't forget your trusty black pen, Kath.." I told myself.

As I walked towards the door, one of the floorboards made a creaking noise. I stopped in my tracks, wincing in the process. When no one stirred, I let out a sigh of relief and turned the doorknob. But then a sleepy but bossy voice broke the silence.

"Whoever is at the door, please turn down the AC, it is way too hot in here." My eyes grew, dang you Christina and your light sleep abilities. I shook my head and turned the AC down a few degrees colder and shut the door behind me.

I walked down the corridor, thankfully, some dim lights were on and I didn't have to grope for anything. After I passed the living room, making my way towards the back entrance to the pool, I heard a noise coming from the kitchen.

I stopped, thinking whether I should go check it out. I immediately crossed out any burglar situation, and considered some more.

I need a glass of water anyway. I might as well use the kitchen door to go to the pool. Please God let there not be an ax murderer in there..

I could use my pen as a weapon..

but this pen is new.

Katherine, please.

Taking a deep breath, I semi tiptoed into the kitchen.

"Hello?" I called into the air. Only half-expecting there to be an answer, I was mildly startled when someone greeted me. "Hello!" the voice said, female, I noted, after letting out a semi- loud "AHH!"

Moving past the door jamb, I noticed a woman sitting at the kitchen island eating a bowl of Froot Loops, as I saw the tell tale box next to a carton of milk. She had mid-length black hair, all swept to the right side of her face, a nice caramel complexion, a little nose, a stud in her left eyebrow and really chocolatey brown eyes that you could see through her dark blue, oversized hipster glasses. She was also wearing a black tank top and had a ton of bracelets on both wrists almost coming up to her elbow.

I walked towards her, giving her a big smile, and as I got closer, I saw her eyes light up with recognition and she gasped audibly, standing up from her chair and gave me a huge smile back.

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