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Ravi let me off unwillingly on the mention of masterpiece.

I wore his T shirt which was hell loose and baggy for me. I took the scarf and tied it around my waist.

Ravi didn't return for sometime and I called him out.

"Coming. Just a second", I heard him.

He was back with a big cardboard.

" What's this?", I was amazed at the size of the work.

"Its my masterpiece"

He carefully placed it on the stand. It was wrapped by some paper from the front.

Ravi signalled me to unwrap it.

I started working from the corner and within few seconds the cover was out.

The thing in front of me shook me from within. I was in a daze. Never had I expected that anyone will find me pretty and attractive. Never did I liked to dress up. Make up was beyond my reach. It was complicated than mathematics. But here was a guy who gave me the chance to think that even I was a woman; correction please "a pretty woman"

Ravi had painted me in a bridal attire.

"I never wore anything like that", I was baffled.

"But I made you wear it", he smiled.

" Why?"

"Because you are beautiful"

"From when did you feel so?"



"I love you"

"Since when?"

"As always"

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"You were stressed out"

"So you think this will relieve me?"

"No. Its going to trouble you more. Coz I know you can't lie and you will never be able to pretend"

"Then why have you made it tough for me?"

"Coz I want to sail with you"

"As it is you are"

"But that's different"

"Leave it"

"Okay. Why did you respond?"

"To what?"

"You did not hit me. You kissed me back. What should I infer from it?"

"I don't know"

"You should know"

"Is it mandatory to answer your question?"

"Correction: necessary"


"It is needed that you answer me cz I have gone far with you"

"On one end you ask me to let go. The other end you are trapping me in a web"

"I asked you to let go the negative. Am asking you to hold the positive"

I walked to him.

"Am tired of fighting Ravi"

"Then don't"

"I want to be free. I want a life on my own terms."

"You are capable of that. Don't worry", he caressed my head playing with my hair.

" I don't know why am used to you so much. I don't know what makes me always trouble you in my every problem. I don't know why I trust you blindly. If that wasn't the case I wouldn't have been standing in front of you in this state."

I did like him. But I never knew when did I fell for him. I wanted him. I desired his touch. What will a 22 year old girl want? Are hormones only for the married women? I felt left out when my friends went for movies with their boyfriends. I resorted to texting Ravi in those times.

I stared at the ceiling as Ravi hovered upon me. I felt him close. The proximity made me nervous. A part said everything was right but the other part opposed the same.

We were on the return journey from some stupid wedding. I wonder why people marry. If they want kids can't they simply adopt some from orphanages? They have plenty of them just like the fruits of million trees. Even their parents must have got married, enjoyed and left the result in these homes as they couldn't afford them.

Is marriage needed to have kids? There's no logical connection. The mangalsutra, saree, seven rounds and sidoor won't give you a kid. But a relation will. How people don't understand this? Spending huge bucks on the wedding and when the kid comes they are left penniless. Idiots!!!!

The train journey is boring. I regret sitting in a passenger. We got some general compartment. My aunt and uncle are with us and we travel without ticket. Just because we didn't get sufficient time. The train was at the platform till we rushed down from the steps. It's simply because we are not VIPs.

The train halted at a station and people swarmed in like bees. God knows from where did they land I was suffocated coz of the mob.

On enquiry we got to know that there had been some exam. My mother is always curious you see. Unfortunately I was at the door and she was at the other end.

I couldn't sit with folded legs as there were many people. I bent my legs at the knees and crossed my arms over it. A guy gave his bag to me as there was no space for him to stand. I took it as to help him staring out at the wilderness.

After sometime I felt something wrong. I experienced an adrenaline rush. My heart beat had increased. I felt the guy moving his foot up and down. His shoe almost touched my womanhood from my clothing.


"No", I held Ravi back as I was reminded of that horrific experience.

" What happened? "

"Am not ready for this", I was panicked.

" Relax. Am not forcing upon you ", he leapt to the other side of the bed.

I closed my eyes with fear. I was molested but I kept quiet.

~~~~~ Experiences are a part of life. Good ones leave back memories and bad ones leave us with those vibes. ~~~~~: LET GO.

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