Chapter 1. Introduction

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Alaina's POV

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. That's like my very own personal alarm clock. I got out of bed and did my daily routine, which is......  I wake up, I get out of bed, walk downstairs into the kitchen, eat breakfast, walk back upstairs, have a shower, brush my hair, and brush my teeth.

After that I walked to school every day.  I would make it there just in time when the bell rung.  My first class today was science. Yay!

I walked into the science room and the first thing I do is get yelled at by the science teacher for being late by one minute.

" You're late for class Alaina!" She Yelled at me.  The first thing you need to know about me is I don't care.        

"Oh Boo Hoo One minute late Do you think I care?" I said, she looked at me and raised one eyebrow but she didn't respond she'd just talk, talk, talk, and did some more talking.  She's so annoying, she makes me want to Headbutt a bullet.  The kids started giggling from behind me.  They thought I was funny and they hated her so technically it's us kids, against that one teacher.

After science it was math class, the worst teacher  and class of all.  The Teacher give me a F for everything.  One time I got in trouble for correcting the teacher's mistake.

Ms.Handley is our science teacher 

Mr.Jefferson is our math teacher

Ms.Newton is our history teacher

Mr.Darris was our vice principal

Mrs. Stevenson is our principal

I have way more teachers but most of them are retarded.

After seven classes.  School was finally done only.  Finally!  I went home and my mother was making dinner.

"Hey Sweetie! How was school" my mother said.

" it is the same thing every." I said and went up to my room. I started to have major heartburn. It hurt.

Before I went to my room I stopped by the bathroom to get some pills to relieve my heartburn.

After I ate dinner I took the pills and went to my bedroom and went to bed.

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