Chapter 1

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Rei's POV

Nagisa looked so cute eating the chocolate cake I made him. It was especially adorable when he looked up at me with the chocolate smeared all over his cheeks and a big grin on his face. "So, how is it Nagisa?"  I asked him
"Delicious, thank you Rei-chan!" He said in a positive voice, but the way he said it reminded me of the time he asked me to join the Iwatobi swim club. It made me smile twice as big
"Good, I'm glad you like it." I said.  I noticed he left a pice and he nudged the plate over in my direction.
"Rei-chan you can have this." He said
"I would like to.... But i shouldn't. It's yours." I said fixing my glasses
"Awe come on Rei-chan, I insist!" He said, not giving me an option. I shook my head, and I opened my mouth to tell him why, but he shoved the whole thing in my face
"Agh! Nagisa, why?" I complained. But what I didn't say was... it tasted fantastic! Still, Nagisa fell over in a fit of laughter
"Oh no! I forgot something in my bag I'll be right back." I said and I rushed through the house to the door I pulled out a small red box. I ran back and handed the box to him.
"Awe Rei-chan, thank you, but you didn't have to get me anything." He said humbly. That's what I love about him. He's so sweet and humble that he doesn't want anything. On his birthday!He once gave all of us gifts in Christmas but didn't want any in return.
When Nagisa opened the gift I gave him he jumped up out of his seat and locked his arms around my neck, almost choking me. But it was ok, just this once.
"Thank you so much Rei-chan! I really wanted to go to this carnival! Can you come with me?" Nagisa asked with his huge pink eyes
"Yes Nagisa, I will." I replied

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